Come join the discussion about home audio/video, TVs, projectors, screens, receivers, speakers, projects, DIYs, product reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Freeman is the quieter and more measured of the two actors, but ultimately his role may provide the most surprises. (He never suspected his wife did the murders as some have said). The film is based on the 1981 French film Garde vue and the 1970s British novel Brainwash, written by John Wainwright. Victor Benezet (Morgan Freeman), and the younger Detective Felix Owens (Thomas Jane) question him. Most of his footage had already been shot, and a stand-in was used for a few inserts. Chantal maybe felt the same regret for contributing. Nothing is as it seems in this case, and by the end, a shocking revelation changes everything about it. Victor Benezet (Morgan Freeman) calls him into the office for "ten minutes" of questioning. Overall, at the end I think we're left with a completely broken man who truly is all alone at this point and any hope he had of repairing a marriage to someone he genuinely loved was completely dead and gone at that point. Web why did henry confess in under suspicion? The movie makes it a point about emotional abuse and the effects it has. Instead of using some sureshot evidence to form a theory, they form their version of the events first and then try to find the evidence to prove it. It turns out that he hadnt been lying about what happened that day and that Chantal had misunderstood the situation. Movieguide is a 501c3 non-profit. a horse that had died many scenes ago. Tituba, also known as Tituba Indian, was an enslaved person and servant whose birth and death dates are unknown. Is it just pressure? As the interrogation proceeds, Henry begins to look more and more guilty of the crimes. "Under Suspicion" is an intense, psychological thriller, with veteran Police Captain Victor Benezet squaring off against prominent tax attorney Henry Hearst -- two life-hardened and. Under Suspicion is a 2000 film directed by Stephen Hopkins. She's done too much at this point. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Who is the first guest the reader meets and where is he going?, Who does the reader meet next and why are they going to the same place?, What is the job/career of the second guest? A more immediate cause of John's accusation of witchcraft occurs two weeks after his wife's arrest when Proctor goes to the court with the intention of proving that Elizabeth, Rebecca Nurse, Martha . I just finished watching "Under Suspicion" last night, with Gene Hackman and Morgan Freeman. It only takes a minute to sign up. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Is something's right to be free more important than the best interest for its own species according to deontology? Based on her conviction of him being guilty, she planted evidence in his dark room. View history Under Suspicion is a 2000 American-French thriller film directed by Stephen Hopkins and starring Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, Monica Bellucci and Thomas Jane. You could argue that "Under Suspicion" is no better than a two-hour episode of some tough-minded cop show -- like, say, the late, lamented "Homicide" -- with an overlay of Caribbean decadence. Gene Hackman and Morgan Freeman really outdid themselves here, the dialogues, the emotion, it was intense. [5], The film was given limited release to only 19 theaters in North America, grossing a total of $334,245 during its theatrical run. We believe that good media can inspire people to do great things, and by supporting MOVIEGUIDE, you are helping us change Hollywood for the better. How can the mass of an unstable composite particle become complex. Angeline is caught and convicted - whew that was close - she almost got away with it! POLICE have confirmed they have found the body of a fugitive couple's missing baby after conducting a huge search. Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application. Which also may explain his immediate hostility on a deeper level and not just the obvious reasons he seemed to hate Henry for. "Under Suspicion (2000) - International Box Office Results", "Under Suspiction (2000) - Financial Information", A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child,, Articles with MusicBrainz release group identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Noel Oscar Alicea Colon as a man in white at the carnival, This page was last edited on 24 September 2022, at 20:46. I won't issue any spoilers, except to suggest that the central question of "Under Suspicion" is what's going on between these two embittered, middle-aged men, rather than who killed the two girls. Gene Hackman completely out did himself in my opinion on this. However, during his confession, Victor (Morgan Freeman) is interrupted by a fellow officer telling him that they arrested and got a confession from a man earlier for the murders. This suspicion combined with the hysteria that was running rampant in the town explains why Proctor would ultimately be accused of witchcraft. Tony Aaron is revealed to be He is called to the police station to be questioned about his finding of a raped and murdered young girl the day before. They get the confession from henry, who realizes that his wife hates him so much that she helped the cops come up with the evidence to prove t see more Source: I just finished watching under suspicion last night, with gene hackman and morgan freeman. And as to whether or not she could have kids, either Henry told the police she couldn't to save himself the embarrassment of letting everyone conclude she didn't want to have kids with HIM, or Chantal told him she couldn't have kids because again, she clearly didn't want to have his children. "she would go to these lengths to make this kind of point". Chantal attempts to connect with him outside the police station, but he cannot forgive her for turning on him and believing him capable of the murders, and walks away into the crowd of San Sebastin Festival revelers. The setting is San Juan, Puerto Rico. Whilst still recording Hearst's confession, the detectives are notified that the real killer has been arrested, having been "caught in the act." The film was nominated by the Mystery Writers of America for the 2001 Edgar Award for Best Motion Picture. Post it here! I'm just going to post in plaintext You can place the spoilers by using the spoiler tag: [ spoiler ] spoiler stuff [ / spoiler ] (without the spaces). Quail not before God's judgment in this, for it may well be God damns a liar less than he that throws his life away for pride." Henry Hearst ( Gene Hackman) is a wealthy Anglo tax attorney living in Puerto Rico, with a smoking hot and much younger wife Chantal ( Monica Bellucci ). Ashton Kutcher's Brother on Reflects Role Brother Played After Cerebral, How Social Media Increases Teen Bullying and Harms Mental, Bethany Hamilton: 'God Gave Me The Strength' To Share Life, SUPER MARIO BROS. 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While San Juan celebrates San Sebastian's Feast, recently-divorced and world-weary police captain Victor Benezet calls in prominent attorney Henry Hearst to clarify his statement about discovering the body of a girl of about 12, the second such murder in two weeks. his wife's and Stasio's killer and planting the thumb in Angeline's It takes balls and skill having most of your movie take place in one room and still be engaging but they pulled it off. Good movie it was. In the dark room, they find photographs of the two murdered girls. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It makes no sense to me. It was him being done and over with her and everything about it. What conclusion does Justice Wargrave come to concerning Mr. Owen? Pray for actors and movie makers in Hollywood. killer was!!! The interrogation of Henry and Chantal and the search of their house leads to the strings that tie Henry to both the victims and convinces Victor that his suspicions were right. His father was a banker in the city and so John Henry Newman had a middle class upbringing on Southampton Street in Mr. Owen is one of them. Chantal realizes how she let her anger towards him almost ruin him entirely. But just because he likes young girls doesnt automatically make him a criminal. Hearst adamantly denies molesting Camille, but admits that he has a fondness for younger women. Now Available: Tech Talk Podcast with Scott Wilkinson, Episode 19 Click here for details. Under Suspicion is a 2000 American-French thriller film directed by Stephen Hopkins and starring Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, Monica Bellucci and Thomas Jane. And thats their biggest failure. Because sometimes, the surprise spoiler ending is the only reason youd pay $11 to see what is otherwise a turkey of a film. i have Is Henry a pervert? When the photos of the victims are found at his house, Henry relents and confesses to the crime. he confesses everything in detail. This movie should be watched more now when people are more open to emotional abuse from the man's perspective. This does put him in a suspicion whenever he would be found around young girls; for example, because Chantal is aware of this inclination of his, she doesnt think twice before assuming that he is trying to seduce Camille. Hearst was simply a voyeuristic pedophile that followed the victims Benezet and Owens free Hearst, who is still badly shaken by what he has gone through in the previous hours. Whatever trust had remained in their marriage is gone, and there is no repairing the damage that the interrogation has done. maybe his wife knows something we don't, i don't know" then the evidence against him comes piling and piling unto him. at the last part of the movie, Henry was there in the interrogation room, he's tired and he just wanted everything to end, and what does he do? at first, i thought "no, he didn't do it. You could feel tue devastation, guilt and turmoil he felt those 2 long years. In the end when he finally realizes that she actually believes in his guilt and helped to find the "evidence" against him, he finally realizes and accepts that she will never overcome her jealousy and come back. When Henry "discovers" the second dead girl while jogging one morning, Victor is there, kneeling next to him in the underbrush, asking more questions as he touches her face with dispassionate tenderness. Just as we were . I beg you, woman, prevail upon your husband to confess. The ending is weak and unbelievable, even though it seems to be almost the whole reason behind making this movie. Only this time, the cops caught the killer in the act and arrested him just when Henry had confessed to the crime. It keeps moving back and forth to refute and then support his innocence, making us question if we can trust his claims or the judgment of a seasoned police officer. As the interrogation proceeds, Henry begins to look more and more guilty of the crimes. And she was filled with guilt and regret that she almost committed suicide. Had nothing to do with him believing he did it and everything to do with his wife believing he is that person and to a lesser extent, his friend Victor believing it as well. DONATE TODAY! This was referenced by the line he said "she would go to these lengths to make this kind of point". Henry lies to himself, his wife and the world; dimly, somewhere inside, he's aware of his own duplicity and corruption. Is email scraping still a thing for spammers. She suspected he was a pervert based on nothing. Synopsis Henry Hearst (Gene Hackman) is about to give the main speech in an exclusive party in Puerto Rico. 2 2.Under Suspicion Ending, Explained | Who's the Killer? It turns out that while Victor and Owens were busy with the interrogation, another girl was killed in the same manner as the previous victims. How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? Henry (Gene Hackman) finally gives in and confesses to raping and murdering the young girls. Heres what the ending means. The interrogation starts out with his lies coming to the fore. house. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? Tituba's confession, however, did ignite a "spark" in the court, especially when she named the other accused witches, Good and Osborne, as her accomplices. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. New York, NY 10012 The cast of Under Suspicion - 1912 includes: Patrick Carson Henry Hearst, a wealthy lawyer, is asked to come to the local police station in order to clear up a . As the interrogation begins, a lot of secrets and lies come to the fore, and we experience a tug of war regarding the guilt of the suspect. answer the question under suspicion why did henry confess, which will help you get the most accurate answer. unique intro music choice, feels like they wanted to try something different as it's the start of 2000s. Thomas Jane appears as Detective Owens, the other investigating officer. Nice. But what do I know? This was the moment all his love for her turned into hate after he realized what she really thought of him. Thread info Bookmark this thread Trash this thread. of the money from Stasio's paintings. Fax: (212) 966-2544 It is supposed to be a ten-minute meeting but stretches to an all-out probe into his personal life. Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? it only meant one thing, Henry made up false and detailed memories of crimes he didn't commit because of pure pressure. Why was the nose gear of Concorde located so far aft? Reply to this thread. under suspicion. What was the need for the initial raid on Condor's office? On December 22, 1978, John Wayne Gacy confesses to police to killing over two dozen boys and young men and burying their bodies under his suburban Chicago home. Why did Hackman confess to tHe killings in under suspicion? Yup. Thats how I took it. But i agree. More important, they carry what seems like the movie's central idea: Memories are only stories we tell ourselves and others about who we really are, and they're about as reliable as all other works of fiction. It was his way out of the endless misery she put him through. But Tony turns out alright, with Frank coming in at the nick of time This chat, of course, gradually becomes a confrontation and a mutual interrogation, with the tuxedo-clad Henry trying to get out of the police station before he suffers a personality meltdown and the dogged, guarded Victor trying to force his longtime adversary into an indefensible psychological foxhole. Tony Aaron is revealed to be his wife's and Stasio's killer and planting the thumb in Angeline's house. Because sometimes, you vaguely remember an old movie that had some sort of plot twist at the end of it, but cant remember what it was. We discover that Henry seduced his much-younger wife when she was still a teenager. Early in the film the cocksure Henry jokingly urges Victor to "confess" that he dreams of destroying Henry in a last-ditch effort to save his career. the killer was an unrevealed predator residing in the town. Here is my take on it: He loved his wife more than anything in the world, but has come to the realization she despised him. Then, Hearst's wife volunteers information that confirms police suspicions. These flashbacks, whether they contain truth or lies or something in between, also serve to sharpen your focus on the movie's details, as you realize that they contain crucial clues to the mystery (or at least they seem to). When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Fundamentally, I still think the gospel this tightly packaged entertainment preaches -- that we never know what we think we know -- is kind of trite. Theres really no reason, therefore, to sit through the movie other than to admire the acting abilities of the two male leads, old pros though they may be. Yes. Obviously, this isn't good for people that haven't seen the movie yet