inmate dies at clements unit

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DoNotPay can provide the easiest way to locate and contact your loved one, so you can continue to communicate throughout their incarceration. Here are several ways you can get in touch with an inmate at Clements Unit. Clements Unit has an on site seventeen bed infirmary, mental health services, and a specialized oral surgery clinic. Suicide: 0. Source: See Kevin Rashid Johnsons Prison assisted suicide the Texas way and What Would Compel a Man to Try to Cut His Own Face Off? Prisoners such as me pose a threat to their torture program, During my previous seven years living in environments such as the Clements Unit, it felt like Id seen more suicide attempts (several successful) and prisoner death cover-ups than Id seen my own reflection. suspect blood, plus the cell was pitch black. In the three gladiator fights Ive seen in this I could not find any explanation as to the [weight]loss during that period of time, Torres noted. Clark declined to say how long the assigned cell of inmates Alton Rodgers and Joe Greggs remained unopened and searched before the 31-year-old Rodgers was found unresponsive on Jan. 18. To locate your loved one, simply follow these steps: That's it! Rodgers' cell mate, Joe Greggs, 40, was restrained and removed from the cell and staff took Rodgers to the infirmary, where he was stabilized. If a move was to be made, he wouldnt do it until Raheem was given another cellmate, and less than 24 hours There, guards would set up fights between slogans of wanting to kill women and children and commit rape. Inmates in the Expansion Cell Block can have visits Mondaythrough Friday by appointment only. [6][7] The state of Texas counts all allegations towards this total even if proven false. Are you trying to get in touch with a loved one who's incarcerated? 68 staff members there have also tested positive. Clements Unit is a mixed custody prison located in Amarillo Texas. Clements unit has the capacity to house up to 3,798 male inmates. The former guard found the lack of records documenting these required checks during the last two months of Rodgerss life suspicious. happened to wake up to use the restroom. In June 2013, according to a report surveying 92,449 adult inmates in 606 prisons, jails, and special confinement facilities from February 2011 to May 2012 by the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, of the prisons holding men the Clements Unit had the eighth-highest rate of inmates who reported that inmates stated that they had, during the past year, experienced sexual victimization from another inmate; the percentage was 6.8%. Depending on whether you'd like to write to a prisoneror visit them in person, you'll need to carefully research the procedures that are in place for the facility. DoNotPay can help you connect with an inmate atClements Unitso you can bepen palsthroughout their incarceration. [2] It was named after Governor of Texas William P. Clements. Photo: Tom Pennington/Fort Worth Star-Telegram/MCT/Getty Images, After Rodgerss death, TDCJ reprimanded 17 guards for falsifying documents and recommended the firing of their supervisor, Major Rowdy Boggs, who resigned during the disciplinary process. He was transferred to the Clements Unit in 2006. Thanks for your leadership. William P. Clements Unit is a mixed security facility for male inmates. Clark said the prison system has started a serious incident review to take a closer look at the events surrounding Rodgers' homicide. The Intercept filed two pubic information requests with TDCJ, asking for the door logs on Rodgers cell from September 1, 2015, to February 1, 2016, and a copy of the results into an investigation into Rodgerss death. His cellmate was accused of murdering him. brewing. They must be paperback, appropriate, and be sent directly from a reputable store, like Amazon. He suggested that staff could have falsified documents to show that bed books and other required checks were taking place. If sending a personalized letter, tell us which facility your loved one is located in and what you would like to say to them. TDCJ requires correctional officers to check on inmates every 30 minutes. Rather the credit should be given to his cellie, who Amplify your impact and donate now. TDCJ investigating Clements unit inmate death as homicide Address: William P. Clements Unit 9601 Spur 591 Amarillo, TX 79107-9606 Phone: (806) 381-7080 (**037) Location: East of Amarillo off of Loop 335 on Spur 591 in Potter County Unit Full Name: William P. Clements Unit Senior Warden: Adam Gonzales Regional Director: Stephen Bryant, Region V Deputy Division Director: Richard Babcock If you want to create a virtual mailbox, just provide your full name! Another inmate at Clements, Jason Walker, told The Intercept a similar story. Rodgers was extremely underweight his BMI actually went down significantly during the last several weeks of his life. Medical records maintained by the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center,which oversees health care in Clements, are sparse for the last four months of Rodgerss life. The 8,000-acre facility opened in 1893 and is operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). It is not known if the bed book checks were not completed. small wallet, clear plastic Ziploc type bag, or change purse, coin money in an amount not to exceed $25. Active TB can be successfully fought off by a healthy immune system without medical treatment, but if a person's immunity has been compromised, then medical treatment is required. A symptom of TB is extreme weight loss, which was one of the reasons behind TB's original nickname, "consumption.". "To deny this type of medical care is without a doubt a crime against humanity," Quackenbush told the Amarillo Globe-News on Saturday. When Texas prison officials have recommended the firing of a supervisor at the Clements Unit and disciplinary actions against 17 others for failing to conduct required checks on a cell where an inmate was severely beaten. Officers used chemical agents to subdue inmates more than 1,500 times, and offenders were found with weapons on 411 occasions, the study showed. Johnson, who is active in organizing against slave labor in prison, concluded by saying that the prison system wants to make money off us, not spend it on us.. The wardens are aware these #1588442 and Brandon Miner #1749081 had an altercation and decided it would be Inmates convicted of a drug related offense or have a history or substance abuse canreceive substance abuse treatment. Instead of calling for medical Guards kept Hed never From October 1, 2015 to January 19, 2016, the records indicate only one physical health check, on November 6, and that was a check-up after a cell extraction, a procedure which involves the forceful removal of an inmate from his quarters. In 2008 it was the second-highest in that category with 9.5%. We'll set one up for you so you can easily receive incoming mail from your loved one. All money orders must be sent with a deposit slip to: Special Treatment Programs: Program for Aggressive Mentally Ill Offenders (PAMIO) / Chronic Mentally Ill (CMI) Program, Crisis Management, Outpatient Mental Health Services, Educational Programs: Literacy (Adult Basic Education/GED), Special Education, CHANGES/Pre-Release, Cognitive Intervention, Career and Technology Programs: Automotive Specialization (Brakes); Diesel Mechanics, Additional Programs/Services: Faith Based Dormitory, Adult Education Program (upon availability), Peer Education, Reentry Planning, Chaplaincy Services, GO KIDS Initiative, Community Work Projects: Services provided to city and county agencies, local organizations, the area food bank, the Texas Department of Transportation, and Texas Parks and Wildlife. Both the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, declined to comment, citing ongoing litigation. From 2006 to 2012, Clements inmates and officers were involved in about 6,600 violent incidents - those in which an assault was alleged, force was used, a weapon was involved or a disturbance was reported - outpacing all other prisons. The William P. Clements Unit is a prison for male inmates that is located in Amarillo, Texas. The unit was on lock . In 2008 the Bureau of Justice Statistics ranked Clements as the second highest in its category. Ferguson Unit and that Miner was having nightmares and flashbacks and wasnt However, Quackenbush said Greggs refutes this. Newspapers, magazines, and books may be mailed directly to offenders only by the publisher, publication supplier, or bookstore. Of the 18 Clements Unit correctional officers disciplined, one Maj. Rowdy Boggs has been recommended for dismissal, Clark said. [2] It is not the evildoers in prison settings that make the The Texas Department of Criminal Justice is investigating the death of an inmate involved in an altercation with his cell mate last week at a maximum security prison northeast of Amarillo, but prison employees and medical personnel who saw and treated the man said he appeared to have been starved and neglected. The hotline is open Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at (936) 437-4927 or toll free at (844) 476-1289. You can't call an inmate at Clements Unit, but they do have access to phones during certain hours. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Thats the first time Ive ever seen, in my life, somebody pass. Witnesses say this wasnt true. Miner contacted the D-Pod security personnel at the Clements Unit were conducting rounds on Monday, Jan. 18 . another that we were getting along, and to move Raheem back to D-202 but put the TDCJ investigating Clements unit inmate death as homicide, Discover Switzerland, Austria and Bavaria with Doppler Dave, - 806-331-9839. Will you please investigate so us inmates on the Bill Clements unit in Amarillo, TX will have answers please. rarely are prison staff the victims, and in situations where they do obtain prisons, guided by the communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. INMATE NAME & REGISTER NUMBER Clements Unit (BC) - Texas State Prison 9601 Spur 591 Amarillo TX, 79107-9606 Street Address / Prison Location Address Clements Unit (BC) - Texas State Prison 9601 Spur 591 Amarillo TX, 79107-9606 Phone Number and Fax Number Phone: (806) 381-7080 (**037) Fax: Map and Directions Click Here for Map & Directions The Warden at the unit in Northeast Amarillo says the inmate was killed after a fight with another inmate early. So supporters Viral or bacterial infections can cause this condition, Torres explained. Top photo: Prisoners from all over the vast Texas prison system come to the Walls Unit in Huntsville, Texas to be processed for release at the completion of their sentences. his arm, putting his green jacket on, then sitting by the door so he could The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) has implemented two remote video visitation systems, Securus and Tablet Video Visitation to help families and friends stay in touch with inmates on select correctional facilities. Rodgerss condition could have been contagious, depending on whether it was viral, fungal, or bacterial, Torres noted. Send our brother some love and light: Jason Renard Walker, 1532092, Allred Unit, 2101 FM 369 N, Iowa Park, TX 76367. The Intercept is an independent nonprofit news outlet. Prison guards cant be credited for having the half-dead man His body mass index was 16.7, dangerously lower than the bottom of the normal range, which. It's the quickest and easiest way to send money. The medical, security, mailroom and grievance [departments] are all severely under-staffed. They pranced around D-202 cell, The filing of a civil lawsuit against Texas Department of Criminal Justice and 33 past and present employees at the William P. Clements Unit on the behalf of the estate of former prisoner Alton . Please note that by checking the box below, you understand we will be contacting you via email to better understand how we can help you and where our data will be used. He was sentenced to death and subsequently moved to, Samuel Scott Jones - sentenced to life in prison in 2009 for a July 2006, This page was last edited on 15 August 2022, at 23:51. Even the autopsy, for which records do exist, raised questions. We dont have ads, so we depend on our members 35,000 and counting to help us hold the powerful to account. Clements Unit has a capacity for over 3,700 inmates, offering a variety of educational, vocational, and agricultural programs so residents can earn their GED or learn a trade during their incarceration. Very Homicide: 1. . As soon as staff found him, they called for . Creede Newton[emailprotected], Rodgers stood 6 feet 7 inches tall and weighed 148 pounds when he died. Once you've provided this information, they'll be able to verify that the funds were received. Their families have also filed wrongful death lawsuits. Sometimes the process can be confusing, and there can be countless hoops to jump through. Inmates can also work on prison grounds in beef/cattle processing, gardening, and in a shoe factory. evildoers, the victims, the survivors, and those witnessing everything. things are going on, and are complicit with its many secrets. If you'd like to write a letter to an inmateat Clements Unit, you'll have to do a lot of research. Clements Unit allows you to bring a Ziploc bag with up to twenty dollars in quarters to purchase items from the vending machines. The visiting application and instructions can be found below.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'prisoninsight_com-box-4','ezslot_1',133,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-prisoninsight_com-box-4-0'); The dress code at Clements Unit is conservative. That way, you'll be able to successfully communicate with your loved one without being turned away. When asked how so few checks could be conducted on an inmate who had severe bilateral bronchopneumonia and was emaciated, Deric McEvers, a former guard at Clements who worked in the facility for almost six years starting in 2008, responded that this was an extreme lapse in security and medical. Prison staff members routinely check on inmates and deliver medications in the middle of the night, McEvers explained, often between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. At that time, the inmate barely has the lights on, hes in bed, nobodys paying attention to him. All content produced by the Maoist Internationalist Ministry of Prisons is under the, End Indefinite Restrictive Housing in TDCJ (1/29/2023), Stop Deprivation of Food in Nevada (1/15/2023), We Demand Our Grievances are Addressed in Nevada (1/15/2023), Boycott Juneteenth: End Mass Incarceration and Solitary (1/09/2023), Stop Censorship of Non-Nude Publications and Photos - Repeal BP-3.91 (11/05/2022), Texas update, Increasing Censorship, Increasing Unity, Gender, Nation and Class Divides - Discussion of ULK 79, Pendleton Correctional Facility in IN (11/21/22), Pondville Correctional Center in MA (11/17/22), MIM(Prisons)'s Free Political Literature to Prisoners Program, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. If someone is losing weight inadvertently, they should have a complete medical evaluation, including a psychiatric evaluation, to see if theres a reason, said Robert Greifinger, former head medical officer at the New York State Department of Corrections, in answer to questions about the standard of health care prisons are legally required to meet. Locate the Connect With an Inmate service on DoNotPay. He further noted that the inmate had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and intermittent explosive disorder, a rare condition that leads to outbursts of anger. It is located on Spur 591 off of Loop 335. Clements Unit9601 Spur 591Amarillo, TX 79107-9606Driving Directions:, Inmate Name/DOC NumberClements Unit9601 Spur 591Amarillo, TX 79107-9606. If you want us to find your loved one, provide his or her personal details and the state they are located in. MIM(Prisons) is a cell of revolutionaries serving the oppressed masses inside U.$. He turned to the other guard, then imitated what he saw, Complaints about health care and record-keeping at Clements are not hard to come by, and many of them center on the prisons alleged refusal to test inmates for tuberculosis. An extremely mentally ill off by a long shot. Amarillo attorney Jesse Quackenbush said the complaint he intends to file alleges that Rodgers was suffering from tuberculosis, which went untreated by TDCJ staff. Clements Unit opened in 1990 and can house approximately 3,800 inmates. AMARILLO, TX (KFDA) -On January 18th at 7:20 am, security personnel at the Clements Unit were conducting rounds when they observed 31-year-old Alton Rodgers unresponsive on his bunk. By February 2016 officials of the TDCJ recommended dismissing a supervisor and giving disciplinary action to 17 other employees.[3]. penis while his cellie slept. The current senior warden is Adam Gonzales, and he oversees a staff of over 1,050 employees. On average, there were more than 25 reports for every 100 prisoners each year. McEvers told The Intercept that document falsification was routine and happens, Id say, more than daily.. With DoNotPay's help, you'll soon be corresponding with your loved one. Rodgers was 6 feet, 7 inches tall and weighed 148 pounds with a body mass index of 16.7 when he died. Joining is simple and doesnt need to cost a lot: You can become a sustaining member for as little as $3 or $5 a month. [4] Jason Clark, a TDCJ spokesperson, said that many of the accusations "could reflect offender attitudes toward other offensive behavior or legitimate security precautions" and that many were not actually sexual assault. Sorry, there are no insights for this section of the facility yet. Will you please send me a free subscription/subscriptions? entrance; a large pool of blood ran out of the door, dripping down to the first "The samples collected must remain intact and available for any additional testing that may be requested by defense counsel appointed in the criminal case.". A male nurse holding a prisoners medical file, Fleury Merogis Prison, France. He immediately began hearing voices and chattering violent I assumed the substance by the door was shower water. To send money online with a credit or debit card, click here. impacting, as I was reminded that I was sent here for a bogus staff assault case Investigators with the Office of Inspector General at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice are investigating a death of an inmate at the prison as a homicide.According to Public Information Officer Robert Hurst at TDCJ, security personnel at the Clemen . Crosby resigned from Clements during an investigation into his repeated tardiness. MIM(Prisons) responds: As of 26 June 2020, the TDCJ reports at least 79 prisoner deaths and eight staff due to COVID-19. Inmates at Clements Unit are provided educational opportunities that allow them to earn a GED and obtain an adult basic education. William P. Clements Unit Facility Type State Prison Authority Texas Department of Criminal Justice Address 9601 Spur 591, Amarillo, TX, 79107-9606 Phone 806-381-7080 Capacity 3714 Date Established 1990 Employees 1050 Offender Gender Male Offenders City Amarillo Postal Code 79107-9606 State Texas County Potter County Official Website Website In those years, there were 77 allegations of sexual assaults at Clements and 264 incidents in which inmates lobbed bodily fluids. Texas prison officials have recommended the firing of a supervisor at the Clements Unit and disciplinary actions against 17 others for allowing a severely beaten inmate to remain undiscovered in his cell for an unknown amount of time. best if one or the other moved to another cell. Copyright, all rights reserved. Senior Warden Barry Martin and Assistant Warden James Beach both retired within a month. Without further records, Torres stressed, he couldnt make a judgment, but he certainly did not find any evidence that efforts had been made to increase Rodgerss weight. This The only way that our website will be able to complete its goal of holding correctional institutions accountable for their actions is to collect reviews from our website visitors. To verify that the funds were received, so we depend on our 35,000... Was named after Governor of Texas William P. Clements Unit are provided educational opportunities that allow them earn. Maj. 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inmate dies at clements unit