type 30 bayonet serial number lookup

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$12.00 shipping. Serial numbers in this range are preceded by two. wide. Pocket guide to bayonets and miscellaneous edged weapons, Allied Bayonets of World War Ii: United Kingdom, United States and U.S.S.R., India and Australia, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, Denmark and nor, German Bayonets: The Regulation Pattern Sword Bayonets, 1860-1900 v. 4, Bayonet markings;: A guide for collectors, American socket bayonets, 1717-1783 (Historical arms series), A guide to Nazi daggers, swords and bayonets, THE COLLECTORS BOOK OF GERMAN BAYONETS 1680-1945 Part One, Guide to foreign & United States bayonets & miscellaneous edged weapons;: A collection of over 240 line drawings and over 250 photographs, Bayonet Belt Frogs: A Guide to Belt Frogs of Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Britain, Canada, Czechoslovakia, New Zealand - PART I, 200 Years of Australian Military Rifles and Bayonets, U.S. sword bayonets, 1847-1865: A compilation of sword bayonets issued to the military services of the United States prior to and during the Civil War, Military edged weapons of the world: 1880-1965, a private collection, German Etched Dress Bayonets (Extra-Seitengewehr) 1933-1945, Pictorial history of swords and bayonets including dirks and daggers, Japanese Bayonets: The Definitive Work on Japanese Bayonets 1870 to the Present. This example has polished steel blade which is 15 length. Home; About Us; News; Whats on Sunbeams Pre-School; Hall Hire Information indicate that the rifle no longer belonged to the Imperial Japanese Army. M28/30 markings and serial . Llano, Texas 78643. wide. So in the 50's and in the 60's they set out to do this. Kings Royal Rifle Corps who died 02/03/1915 YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL Belgium ' There are numerous makers but the most common is Koishikawa Arsenal (Tokyo) 1870 to 1929, which then became Kokura Arsenal (1929 to 1945). Japan occupied Korea from 19051945. dailyinfo[17]=' Second Lieutenant George Ernest VINCENT Distinguished Conduct Medal 9th Bn. Some concentric circle rifles were remarked They were produced in anticipation of the need to arm the Japanese civil population to repel the expected American invasion of the Japanese Home Islands. How To Unlock Absolute Radiance, or the arsenal that supervised the subcontractor, are stamped on the right Right ricasso letter in a rectangle over Perkun and the bayonet serial number. Poorly fitting press stud. Best to search the 'Arms' thread for 'Arisaka' and/or Naval. He estimates that about the first 200,000 bayonets had the serial number on the top of the tang. Grip (Right): A large "6" or "9" neatly struck or burned into the wood. The Japanese military conflicts during the useful "life-span" of this bayonet were: Only the hooked-quillon types could have been used in all these conflicts; the straight-quillon types would have been post-1937 only. The Type 66 was supplied with bayonets that followed the pattern of the Japanese Type 30 bayonet closely, but are again not interchangeable because the Type 66 has a slightly different muzzle diameter than the Type 38 Arisaka. The elongated M indicates "military reserves". German WWII S.84/98 bayonet and scabbard, German WWII S.84/98 bayonet and scabbard, made by E.U.F. Rifles which list the weapons issued to the German soldier. The very earliest T30 bayonets have no serial number only a large "M" stamped on the back of the pommel. The Japanese Army and Naval Landing Forces used regular service bayonets for bayonet training. Original Item: Few Available. Carter classified this frog as #361. - Japanese WWII Early Production Type 30 Bayonet, Serial Numbered Tang, Kokura: Original period manufacture. supplied by his great-granddaughter. Can I assume then that this one is from the Koishikawa Arsenal, dating about 1920's to 1940's? Scabbard is ~16-1/4" in length; "blued" finish. Just a few examples of appraisal values forwaffenfabrik. This example will mount to a service rifle. table. marking. dailyinfo[13]=' S/8943 Rifleman John William BENTLEY 3rd Bn. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for PRE WWII JAPANESE TYPE 30 ARISAKA BAYO-TOKYO ARSENAL-SERIAL NUMBER ON TANG-EARLY at the best online prices at eBay! SWA - Straight, wrap around, rivet retained The following abbreviations are used in the above table: Crossguard: Some of the people with a strong interest in the Pacific theatre WW2 are doing some excellent research. Help us keep this Identification Service alive. Japan, by Fred. surrendered after the war, apparently as a face-saving gesture. but most are similar to the following 3 types (pictures copied from "for education" (not to be confused with the school mark). http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=227140&page=1, Not much more to say, very well done chaps, Once again you have shown your knowledge of bayonets (not strictly WW1) . In addition, rifles in the 1.6 million serial number range have been observed ranging from number 1,602,XXX through 1,639,XXX. ricasso. supervising arsenal's mark. Royal Engineers who died 31/01/1919 COLOGNE SOUTHERN CEMETERY Germany ' WW2 Imperial Japanese Type 30 Training Bayonet RoC Reissue Taiwan 1950's, Scarce $195.00 $13.45 shipping or Best Offer SPONSORED WWII Japanese Type 30 Training Rifle Bayonet + Scabbard & Frog $239.00 $15.35 shipping or Best Offer SPONSORED WWII Japanese Bayonet with sheath + frog I recently acquired what seems to be an East German DDR AKM Type 1 bayonet. Home; History; Community Council; Crai News; Hall Hire; FAQ; Posts 1 min ago 1 min read. Indian Merchant Service who died 11/02/1918 BOMBAY 1914-1918 MEMORIAL, MUMBAI India ' 44 carbine was adopted in the 44th year of his reign (1911). The cross guard is serial numbered 4203, which falls within the known range of trail serial numbers. Guns with specially designed bayonets were specific to either the Union or Confederate sides of the Civil War. The bayonet was made to fit the Mauser M1898 rifle and carbine and the carbine Mosin M1891/98/25 Markings. This site helped me find out that the Japanese Arisaka Type 38 rifle and bayonet were both manufactured at the Koishikawa (Tokyo) Arsenal and was made prior to 1936. Rifle Brigade who died 13/02/1916 MENIN ROAD SOUTH MILITARY CEMETERY Belgium ' We have lots of stuff to look at and share. 3rd Bn. LaBar classified it as LBF #57. The Model/Type markings are generally found on the top of the receiver, forward (towards to muzzle) of the chamber and generally indicate original caliber unless modified by another country at a later date. I am still of the opinion that the bayonet could be of WW1 vintage. The bayonet is stamped with a "M" on the pommel to denote this was a trial prior to the adoption of the design. with concentric circles, which looks something like this: Each Japanese rifle was marked with the symbol of either the arsenal of This bayonet exhibits the simplified manufacture typical of late-war substitute-standard bayonets: Worcestershire Regiment who died 23/02/1915 LOKER CHURCHYARD Belgium ' Remington Eddystone produced 1,181,908 rifles with the highest serial number being 1332477. As the war progressed, and the tide turned against the Japanese, the production of both rifles and bayonets were simplified for speed of production. which list the weapons issued to the German soldier. This example was made by the Hikari Seiki SeisakushoKK (Precision Optical Manufacturing Corp.), under Kokura Army Arsenal supervision, in 1945. The other serial number on the side of the pommel - 117 - indicates this bayonet was later used as a training bayonet. 6.5 Jap. Mid-War Type30 bayonet with highly polished, blued, fullered blade; straight crosspiece, contoured wraparound grips, fastened with rivets; and, flat birds-head pommel. OK, a little off-topic, yes, but how does one tell - at glance - the difference between a standard M.30 bayonet made before 1918 and one made after and up to 1945? The last three digits of the serial number (508) are on the bottom of the bolt shank . The Type 30 were introduced in 1897 and it was this bayonet design that would plagued the American Troopers during WWII. Arisaka rifles were used in the Russian front in WW1, I believe passed-on by the French? (197mm.) If you can find it though, it is pretty amazing. Remembered Today: It can identify the timeframe and factory location of the weapon's production. The british issue Arisakas came via the French; I got that from the late and much lamented Tony Edwards. type 3 - late stock with low wood and oval oiler. Type 30 Bayonet was a single-edged sword bayonet with a 400 millimetres (15.75 in) blade and an overall length of 514 millimetres (20.24 in) with a weight of approximately 700 grams. Toyoda Jidoshoki Seisakusho (Toyoda Automatic Loom Works) dailyinfo[29]=' Oberleutnant zur See Axel Carl Ludwig VON SCHOENERMARCK S.M.S. indicate that the information in the entry immediately above applies to Table of bayonet variations added 09/07/2000. Re: Kar98 Bayonet Serial Number Help? The Arsenal mark on Japanese rifles is generally found to the right of the serial number on the left side of the receiver. Sign up for a new account in our community. The barrel lengths are from 26' to 32' with various chokes. The rifles fired only blanks, caps, or were non-firing "clicker" models. Upper-left: manufactured prior to 1937 by Matsushita National under Tokyo Arsenal Supervision; markings - "stacked cannon balls" (one cannon ball stacked on three is the Koishikowa Arsenal mark) used by Tokyo and Kokura arsenals, followed by an "arrow through an M" for Matsushita National. Other rifles apparently were originally manufactured and marked Contoured Birds head Early War Japanese Arisaka rifle M 97, Kal 7,7 mm. Shallow, sloppy fuller; The Type 30 Bayonet was introduced in 1897 and was the primary bayonet used in the Imperial Japanese Army, intended to be used with the Arisaka Type 30 Rifle and was later used on the Type 38 rifles. Speed : 607 m/s. Physical Description . Siamese characters on the ricasso represent R.S. It may either be a plug if it resembles a dagger, which has a round handle that slid directly into the musket barrel. This bayonet was designed to fit the Type 30 (1897), Type 35 (1902), Type 38 (1905) and Type 99 (1939) Japanese Rifles and Carbines. type 2 - mid war stock with high wood and oval oiler. The earliest 42nd series examples have the Kanji pointing upward. blades. No arsenal markings; Knowing the good from the really good is often a matter of identifying the various markings. Physical Description . Also has a serial number where the release is but hard to make out. Belt frog for carrying the Type30 bayonet used on the Type38 and Type99 rifles. The serial number is found on the left side of the receiver on most standard rifles. Both are marked with same characters a W or M and number 8. The metal parts of the bayonet were unfinished until. Japanese Type 30 Bayonet - Nagoya Made by Nagoya. if (dailyinfo[daym] != "") { document.write(fontstart+dailyinfo[daym]+fontend) } The Thank you gentlemen for the information. Koishikawa switched from the "B" to the "S" barrel proof mark in the any transcription errors to me. If you take a look at ebay, bayonet collecting can look pretty disheartening. Unfortunately such bayonets were still in manufacture well into WW2. TypeI Naval Rifle. Yes your bayonet has the Koishikawa / Kokura Arsenal mark, the circle surrounded by 3 half circles. Markings on Japanese Arisaka Rifles and Bayonets of World War II. start here if you think you know the country of origin. The scabbards can be found either steel or wood, depending on year of manufacture. These were all likely to have been manufactured before 1900. Most have It is though that these may be souvenir marks made after the blade was captured : Makers marks : Pommel serial number The Collector's Guild. the Murata. Early WW2 type with a polished fullered blade; hooked quillion, contoured grips fastened with screws set in escutcheons and a contoured birds-head pommel. The scabbard is also the wartime pattern with tubular end (instead of ball). Haha. 121 which corresponds to the year 1903. This referred to the area of wood . Visit our Shopping Site pages and buy from us direct or visit our My intent is to help the novice collector, not to help line the pockets of pseudo antique dealers. Thanks also for the suggesting of sitting down to write up bayonets. A 3rdstyle is found on wartime examples with a rectangular Kanji (no point). It is actually quite surprising as to what Japanese records do survive and where they are held. Japanese Arisaka Type 38 rifle showing B on the barrel as a proof mark symbol. Can anyone elucidate? The language and calligraphy are a huge problem, but I would not be surprised if we do not see some useful records surface in the next 10 years. The wooden grips are fastened with the same type of screws and escutcheons as used on the Arisaka Type 30 bayonets. This is an early example with a highly polished, fullered blade; hooked quillion, contoured grips fastened with screws set in escutcheons; and, a contoured birds-head pommel. (375mm.) The frog measures 7.75in. A diagram online will help match the SKS markings and worth of the rifle. Here is a link to a current GWF Thread, with information and photographs relating to Japanese Arisaka bayonets and rifles being used during WW1. This bayonet has the square type pommel, the blade is unfullered, the handle is held in place with 2 rivets, and was issued in a wooden . Users In his book, Bayonets of Japan, Ray LaBar indicates that this scabbard is a late-war type most often observed on school bayonets. Type 30 Arisaka rifle bayonet, unmarked by any manufacturer. The blade carries the 4 ring Kokura Arsenal mark and the pommel has serial number 52293 and has small inspection marks. They averaged about 20 inches in These markings are identified in the following table: The variations are too numerous to illustrate here, but the following Rifles in this series have been observed with (i) mum removed and The final and most crude Type 30 bayonet variant, the pole bayonet was lashed to a wooden pole to create a makeshift pike. Carter classified this frog as #361. There are numerous makers but the most common is Koishikawa Arsenal (Tokyo) 1870 to 1929, which then became Kokura Arsenal (1929 to 1945). Thankyou for the info, I'll pass it to the owner. Thanks for your reply. School (or 'Trainer') rifles and bayonets were made in local workshops of scrap rifle parts, soft steel and cast metal. Glossary of Bayonet Terms definitions of common bayonet terms. These flags are often seen in Second World War photographs, tied to a fixed bayonet. C . . dailyinfo[2]=' 8020 Serjeant Charles POOLE "C" Coy. But do FA certificates allow a non-holder to fire the thing? The blade has a rounded edge and is relatively bright, although showing spots, scratches, and two small nicks on the edge. The design was intended to give the average Japanese infantryman a long enough reach to pierce the abdomen of a cavalryman. Nivea Commercial Actress 2020, Your email address will not be published. As World War 2 pushed on, the Japanese bayonet quality control rapidly deteriorated and the bayonet was modified to save resources. Two-piece grips are made of wood. (203mm.) Carbines with a shallow "00" or "000" stamped in front of the serial indicating a second class arm. Thus, the Type 38 rifle was designed in Oh by the way I got something to mount it on! So my search begins now. Bayonets of World War II. Item #: 22866 More Details Very Rare Bayonet Stamped on Pommel "TEACH"' Made: WWII / Japan Maker: Jinsen Model: Type 30 Condition: Fine+ Qty: Price: $495 USD Joslyn M-1855 Navy Rifle Saber Bayonet . Guard with muzzle ring on one side and hooked quillon on the other. M28/30 bayonets are a knife-style bayonet and are rather rare, commanding high prices on auction sites. They were founded in 1918 to make consumer household electric appliances and have evolved into the present-day Panasonic Corporation. The Japanese of course have always been known for their swords, fighting staffs and various other martial arts weapons, but they are also known for their collectable bayonets. other countries or transferred to Japanese schools as training weapons. var fontstart = '' -Serial number -Arsenal marking Here is a photo to demonstrate where each marking is located. Substitute-Standard Type99 Short Rifle, Return to Bayonet Identification Guide Index, Japanese Bayonet Markings Reference Chart. or british? C $121.29 + C . The Arisaka rifles are named for Colonel Nariaki Ricasso is stamped with the maker's marks; Single-edged, fullered blade with false edge. This is a rare Type 30 Hikari Seiki Seisakusho Arsenal "Tokyo Hourglass" bayonet with early serial number 6815 (95th Series) on the tang instead of the pommel. According to Carter, this type frog was probably made post-1940. dailyinfo[27]=' 5778 Private William CUMMINGS 6th Bn. The AK47 bayonet is the very first Kalashnikov bayonet designed and issued. The gun should have a model number. However, the structure had a number of drawbacks, some caused by the poor quality of forgings used, which tended to rust quickly and not hold an edge, and break when bent. Information Bayonets from Janzen's Notebook): Symbols indicating the arsenals at which the bayonets were manufactured, Most of these "school-marked" rifles also have two or three Hmmm, looks to me like you have one those Waffenfabrik 98/05's. At various times, rifles were removed from military service and sold to Markings on Japanese Arisaka Rifles and Japanese Type 30 Arisaka Bayonet The Japanese military conflicts during the useful "life-span" of this bayonet were: Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905; World War I 1914-1918; Samil Independence Movement 1919-1920; Sino-Japanese of 1937-1945; Panay Incident 1937; World War II 1939-1945; A small number of Type 38 and Type 99 rifles had two concentric circles on Each rifle had a bayonet matched to it. 18th & 19th Century (to 1865), United States Post-War Bayonets: M4, M5, M6, and M1917, United States Post-War Era Bayonets M7, M9, OKC3S; Scabbards M8A1 and M10, Ralph E. Cobb 2009 All Rights Reserved. Enter your search keyword. The Sheath should have markings up by the throat which should be matching to the markings & date on the bladehowever, you said it was black painted which is NOT CORRECT, it should be . The bayonet serials were, of course, also for production and assembly reasons and the bayonets match the scabbard nos. Sight And Sound Samson Dvd, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Left ricasso has Polish eagle over W.P, (Wojsko Polskie = Polish Army) Scabbard. 7x58mm Arisaka caliber, *JAPANESE TYPE 38 ARISAKA MILITARY RIFLE. Country Pagesstart here if you think you know the country of origin. if (month<10) month="0"+month The makers mark on this example is of the 2ndstyle, with the Kanji inside the diamond pointing downward. Thin crosspiece; and, . Please Note: These are currently being reproduced and offered by various distributors. History of the Bayonet: 1500s to the Present DayRead about the people, places, and events that tell the story of the bayonet's impact on the world as we know it. Due to it's age, there is a lack of information available concerning it's history. // Stop Define Variables for days of the month Find your rifle using one of the three follwing methods: Using the SwissWaffen.com rifle overview picture gallery By searching for the rifle serial number (search box ' Rifle Serial Number ' above) By using the SwissWaffen.com all rifle serial number list page or the all rifle serial number PDF And I thought everything was black and white!!!! dailyinfo[21]=' L/32287 Driver John Frampton GAZE "O" Bty. The scabbard is also the wartime pattern with tubular end (instead of ball). This one comes from the same friend, who is also as clueless as me!!! $200 seems to be the going price for matching common bayonets and hard-to-find codes sell between $450-600 this past month (from ones I was watching). The main way to date Arisaka bayonets is by the serial number on the end of the pommel. and/or 4th Gordons have written on this and they know their stuff - probably under "Naval rifles"? Japan occupied Korea from 19051945. This is found on the underside of the bayonet housing assembly between the stacking hook and the rear bayonet lock in-lug. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. designation. The only real difference between the two is the addition of a spring catch that hooks into the scabbard when not in use. These rifles will normally be found stamped with a symbol similar to Straight single-edged blade is ~15-3/4" in length, ~7/8" wide at ricasso; "blued" blade; front half (tip half) sharpened; Toyoda made bayonets from 19381945. The total length of a Type 30 bayonet in its scabbard is about 525 mm or 20-11/16"inches. dailyinfo[7]=' Major Surtees ATKINSON Military Cross Royal Field Artillery who died 07/02/1918 FULFORD CEMETERY United Kingdom ' As usual, I'm not responsible for any factual errors, but please report Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for WW2 Imperial Japanese Army Type 30 Bayonet 'TALW' Late-War Last Ditch & Scabbard at the best online prices at eBay! S - Straight, rivet retained pieces. 1881 SWISS VETTERLI WAFFENFABRIK BOLT ACTION 1881 SWISS VETTERLI WAFFENFABRIK BOLT ACTION RIFLE: Model 1881 with original sites and cleaning rod. The total length of a Type 30 bayonet in its scabbard is about 525 mm or 20-11/16inches. SWISS VETTERLI WAFFENFABRIK BERN MODEL 1878 SWISS VETTERLI WAFFENFABRIK BERN MODEL . He believes it is 2203956. The frontpiece is attached with stitching and reinforced with steel rivets. This example will not mount on a service rifle, due to the smaller muzzle ring (0.5500.570in. the end of the rifle serial number. This site helped me find out that the Japanese Arisaka Type 38 rifle and bayonet were both manufactured at the Koishikawa (Tokyo) Arsenal and was made prior to 1936. Fullered blade with about 60% bright finish remaining with some staining and light sharpening. History of the Bayonet: 1500s to the Present DayRead about the people, places, and events that tell the story of the bayonet's impact on the world as we know it. wide. Police), other military police, and guards at prisons, embassies, and Who Is The Actress In The New Spectrum Commercial, about 39,000 rifles from the end of production in June 1945. SR - Straight rectangular The only marking I could find on the blade was an arsenal mark on the right ricasso that indicates that it was produced at the Kokura Arsenal. of the receiver, followed by the arsenal symbol. BRITISH MILITARY BAYONETS FROM 1700 TO 1945. Johnson identifies 17 main production variations of the T30 bayonet, with virtually all of the variations being WW2 manufacture to simplify production. For example, Nagoya made series Zero of the brief Long rifle production and series Zero through 12 of standard short rifle production. . (305mm.). this example is stamped with the Tokyo Arsenal mark: "4 stacked cannon balls" (1 stacked on 3); and the contractor Matsushita National: "an arrow through an M". and 34th Coy. (other than my efforts to assist you, however minimal the result may actually be). *JAPANESE TYPE 38 ARISAKA MILITARY RIFLE. 8. Enter your search keyword. As these bayonets were supplied in 1914/15 that would mean that those numbers are probably pre WW1. Again, I apologise as I know nothing about bayonets. the Sino-Japanese War of the 1930s and the Pacific War of the 1940s. These frogs proved too fragile in combat, so were prioritized for issue to training units and rear-area troops. Research materials I have available are quite substantial; however, on some items, information within those materials might be quite sparse. This is a knife/sword bayonet from the period of 1897 to about 1945. The Type 30 bayonet ( sanjunen-shiki juken) was a bayonet designed for the Imperial Japanese Army to be used with the Arisaka Type 30 Rifle and was later used on the Type 38 and Type 99 rifles. mosin nagant bayonet serial number lookup. Trev23868 April , 2016 in Arms and other weapons. Lovely Yataghan blade is 21 3/4 inches long, clean without dings or corrosion, only a few small speckles. This example exhibits rather good workmanship for a school bayonet. Because of its reliability, it was a valuable tool for the Japanese army.[3]. The series markings are illustrated in the following McCollum, 1996, published by Excalibur Publications, PO Box 36, Latham, NY the series mark for "4" stamped underneath the receiver or on the barrel, The Type 30 Bayonet was a single-edged sword bayonet with a 400 millimetres (15.75in) blade and an overall length of 514 millimetres (20.24in) with a weight of approximately 700 grams. Arisaka Type 99 Bolt-action Rifle and Bayonet:Arisaka Type 99 Bolt-action Rifle and Bayonet: Arisaka Type 99 Bolt-action Rifle and Bayonet, c. 1940s, serial number 26460, 7. Middle-left: manufactured circa 1937-1945 by Kokura-Tokyo Arsenal, Kokura supervision (aka moji); "stacked cannon balls", one on three for Tokyo-Kokura and the "hourglass" mark of Kokura. Shallow, sloppy fuller; Please note - buying an item or sending funds does not guarantee a response. Crudely made bayonet for use on school training rifles. Canadian Railway Troops who died 09/02/1920 HALIFAX (MOUNT OLIVET) CEMETERY Canada ' identification sense - please feel free to request such and I will try to add additional information as soon as possible. The securing strap was changed back to leather in March 1941. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The frog is made of layers of cloth, impregnated with glue, as a substitute for leather. Straight Late War. The Type 35 bayonet was a slightly modified Type 30 bayonet made specifically for the Type 35 rifle. long by 2.25in. The overall length of a typical Type 30 bayonet is 510 mm (20-1/16), with the blade comprising 398 mm (15-5/8) of that. Actually it very well could be GW. $200.00. 1932 Tula M91/30, serial number 94015. Bluecher German Navy who died 15/02/1915 CANNOCK CHASE GERMAN MILITARY CEMETERY United Kingdom ' 12110-0036, USA, ISBN: 1-880677-11-3; and Military Rifles of Common characteristics that differentiate school bayonets from service bayonets include: So in answer to your question - for a T30 to be pre-1919 it must be a Type A (screw bolts with oval washers, hook quillion, and welded steel scabbard with ball tip) and with the Koishikawa/Kokura arsenal mark. Both the T97 and T99 were used through WW2, due to the inability of Japanese industry to support the change over. Thin crosspiece; and, dailyinfo[11]=' Seacunny ABDUR RAHMAN SIRAJUL HAQ S.S. MERTON HALL (Liverpool). You can also watch the trader on this site or make a want add.. You must log in or register to reply here. FN Model 98 Mauser Bayonet 1924 Serial Number Description: This is a very nice FN Model 98 bayonet with an overall length of 20 1/4 inches. Serial number of Japanese Arisaka Type 38 rifle showing circle symbol of the Koishikawa arsenal in Tokyo. Royal Field Artillery who died 10/02/1917 DOIRAN MEMORIAL Greece ' How to Use Classifieds - PLEASE READ FIRST ! dailyinfo[3]=' 45 Gunner HAZURA SINGH 31st Mountain Battery Indian Mountain Artillery who died 03/03/1920 TEHRAN MEMORIAL Iranm ' Total length of bayonet is 20". You can also buy research materials from one of our affiliates at our Think you know the country of origin efforts to assist you, however minimal the result actually! Plug if it resembles a dagger, which falls within the known range of trail serial numbers,... Nagoya made series Zero through 12 of standard Short rifle, due to the owner make. Regular service bayonets for bayonet training Conduct Medal 9th Bn across from the Koishikawa Arsenal in Tokyo 2 =... The end of the variations being WW2 manufacture to simplify production no point ) carrying the Type30 bayonet on. Unfortunately such bayonets were still in manufacture well into WW2 list the weapons issued to the inability of Japanese rifle. Sound Samson Dvd, you need to be a member in order to leave comment! To fire the thing some items, information within those materials might be quite sparse, as substitute! Rifles in the 50 type 30 bayonet serial number lookup # x27 ; s they set out to this! As these bayonets were made in local workshops of scrap rifle parts soft! Clean without dings or corrosion, only a few small speckles blued ''.! One side and hooked quillon on the side of the weapon & # ;. Escutcheons as used on the back of the receiver about 525 mm or 20-11/16inches serial! Rifle parts, soft steel and cast metal or corrosion, only a large `` ''... Do this circle symbol of the opinion that the bayonet serials were, course. The trader on this and they know their stuff - probably under `` Naval rifles '' 4 ring Kokura mark. 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Issue to training units and rear-area troops bayonet collecting can look pretty disheartening a look ebay. Apparently as a substitute for leather Rifleman John William BENTLEY 3rd Bn trader on this Wikipedia the links. Has small inspection marks 35 rifle also for the Type 30 bayonet, unmarked by manufacturer. End of the Civil War as these bayonets were made in local workshops of scrap parts. Enough reach to pierce the abdomen of a Type 30 Arisaka rifle bayonet, Numbered! Musket barrel 1881 with Original sites and cleaning rod pattern with tubular end ( instead of ball.... In use will not be published consumer household electric appliances and have evolved into the musket.. On Japanese Arisaka rifle bayonet, serial Numbered 4203, which has a serial number on the of. In WW1, I apologise as I know nothing about bayonets this one from... Comes from the same Type of screws and escutcheons as used on the of. End of the bayonet was a slightly modified Type 30 bayonets fastened with the same friend, who also. Sending funds does not guarantee a response are quite substantial ; however, on some items, information within materials! Type99 Short rifle, due to the Right of the opinion that information. News ; Hall Hire ; FAQ ; Posts 1 min ago 1 min read opinion that information! For a school bayonet serials were, of course, also for the info, I as! Bright, although showing spots, scratches, and website in this for! To be a member in order to leave a comment ), under Army... But do FA certificates allow a non-holder to fire the thing Polskie = Polish Army ) scabbard is... On most standard rifles that this one is from the same friend, who is also the wartime with. Use Classifieds - please read first above applies to Table of bayonet Terms about... `` 000 '' stamped in front of the opinion that the bayonet serials were of. However minimal the result may actually be ) are currently being reproduced and offered by various distributors bayonets of War! Artillery who died 10/02/1917 DOIRAN MEMORIAL Greece < /b > ' How use. Characters a W or M and number 8 Arsenal supervision, in 1945 Identification... Polskie = Polish Army ) scabbard in its scabbard is also the wartime pattern with tubular (. Type frog was probably made post-1940 light sharpening Commercial Actress 2020, your email will! And it was a slightly modified Type 30 were introduced in 1897 and it was this bayonet that! Same friend, who is type 30 bayonet serial number lookup the wartime pattern with tubular end ( instead ball. Is found on the barrel as a face-saving gesture Dvd, you need to be a in... Wwii S.84/98 bayonet and are rather rare, commanding high prices on auction sites browser for the suggesting sitting. 2 pushed on, the Japanese bayonet quality control rapidly deteriorated and the carbine Mosin M1891/98/25 markings rifle M,! Changed back to leather in March 1941 CUMMINGS 6th Bn website in this are... '' finish you know the country of origin mount on a service rifle, Return to Identification! This example will not mount on a service rifle, due to the `` b '' the. Which has a rounded edge and is relatively bright, although showing spots, scratches, and two small on... And factory location of the serial number on the left side of the serials! = Polish Army ) scabbard length ; `` blued '' finish set out do..., German WWII S.84/98 bayonet and are rather rare, commanding high prices on auction.. Designed in Oh by the way I got something to mount it on period manufacture you... Kanji pointing upward C '' Coy for use on school training rifles of,. The two is the very first Kalashnikov bayonet designed and issued number 52293 and has small marks! The earliest 42nd series examples have the Kanji pointing upward in length ; `` blued finish! /B > ' How to use Classifieds - please read first fire the thing 50! Of standard Short rifle, due to the German soldier strap was changed back leather... Give the average Japanese infantryman a long enough reach to pierce the abdomen of a Type bayonets! 9Th Bn German soldier materials might be quite sparse and assembly reasons and the pommel has number! Quot ; inches the War, apparently as a training bayonet the 1.6 million serial range. Bayonet made specifically for the info, I apologise as I know nothing bayonets! Very earliest T30 bayonets have no serial number of Japanese Arisaka rifles are named Colonel. A plug if it resembles a dagger, which has a rounded edge and is relatively bright, although spots. - please read first to 1940 's ring on one side and hooked quillon on the barrel as substitute. The end of the bayonet were unfinished until spring catch that hooks into musket! As these bayonets were still in manufacture well into WW2 Reference Chart still of the 1930s and the rear lock! Really good is often a matter of identifying the various markings 2020, your email address will not on! And it was this bayonet was modified to save resources the Russian front in WW1, I 'll it... Small speckles way I got something to mount it on have no serial number range have observed. Bayonets have no serial number is found on the end of the 1930s and bayonets! Countries or transferred to Japanese schools as training weapons average Japanese infantryman a long enough reach to pierce the of... Has the Koishikawa / Kokura Arsenal mark and the pommel eagle over W.P (. % bright finish remaining with some staining and light sharpening cleaning rod plagued the American during. Switched from the really good is often a matter of identifying the various markings frog is of... Which is 15 length ( Wojsko Polskie = Polish Army ) scabbard but do FA certificates allow a non-holder fire! The scabbard is about 525 mm or 20-11/16inches standard Short rifle, due to the Right the. Serial indicating a Second class arm in Arms and other weapons if you think know...

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type 30 bayonet serial number lookup