explaining the steps and the documents necessary for a particular citizenship pathway. Therefore, citizenship applications must be submitted within six months after the first document has been issued. Finally, the non-native spouse must provide a certificate that they dont have a criminal record. Read More Learn More Our "A la Carte" Program Validity Period: This generally means the visa is valid, or can be used, from the date it is issued until the date it expires, for travel with that visa. - The current average processing time for legal permanent residents filing Form I-130 for a spouse beneficiary is 23 months. We can evaluate together for a 1st free evaluation. After entering the Portal, You will have to select the dedicatedsection for Italian Citizenship by Marriage. [10] [17] [18] At the time of his birth, Ted Cruz's parents had lived in Calgary for three years and were working in the oil business as owners of a seismic-data processing firm for oil drilling . Thirdly, as mentioned above, the non-Italian spouse must pass a language test and also provide a certificate of no criminal record. On the other hand, if the couple reside in Italy, the original documents will need to be submitted at the local prefecture (Prefettura). If the birth certificate was translated into Italian by an Italian translator and issued by an apostille, the Italian embassy or consulate of the issuing country must certify the translated birth certificate. Take the time to create a budget to help you manage your expenses and stay within your means while living in Kenya. The calendar and information related to the exam are available on their webpage: http://www.schooldantemass.org/html/plida.html. After reviewing the submitted application the Consulate may: Applications and all required documentation must first be submitted online. If you have any further questions, dont hesitate to give us a call. So, in order to avoid any of that happening, make sure to keep the consulate informed about any and all changes. However, different factors can impact it. Any documents originating from elsewhere not Italy or USA must be legal based on the local regulations regarding the use of certified documents overseas. Once your vehicle arrives in Kenya, you will be charged a processing fee of USD 145 or EUR 120. One can obtain Italian citizenship by marriage regardless if he or she is a EU or non-EU citizen who wants to relocate in this country. The average waiting time to obtain an appointment is generally 8-10 . If the couple has children 18 or younger be them biological or adopted the wait time is one year. You have to meet several requirementsand get several documents and certifications to be eligible. If you want toimmigrate to Italy as an EU citizenand need assistance in preparing the documents, you can rely on our specialists who are at your service with complete services. If you plan onimmigrating to Italybased on a student visa, our lawyers can help you. Italian Citizenship by Marriage If you are married to an Italian citizen, you may be eligible to apply for Italian citizenship as well. which according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is intermediate. An applicant can acquire Italian citizenship by jure sanguinis (by right of blood - or descent), citizenship by marriage or. You will have to pay a visit to the local prefecture and submit the original documents there. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) service centers currently process Form I-130. Register via https://cittadinanza.dlci.interno.it. These are: If you are interested inimmigration in Italyand need support, our lawyers can guide you. If the criminal record documentation is issued by a country that does not recognized The Hague Convention, all certificates and translations must the legalized by the Italian Consulate where the certificates are issued. Another way to become an Italian citizen is through marriage to an Italian national. If you are not resident in Italy, but abroad, and you have a child, you can claim your Italian Citizenship after 1,5 years. We should note that the shorter processing time also applies to other types of acquisitions, including citizenship by residency. The processing time for citizenship by marriage is now 36 months (3 years), as opposed to 48 months (4 years). Following the Law, You will never receive communication from the Italian Consulate (like an email). Citizenship and Immigration Services, the National Visa Center, and a U.S. embassy or U.S. consulate in your foreign fiance's country of residence. For complete information onhow long it takes to obtain Italian citizenship, pleasecontact our immigration lawyers. One of the main reasons foreigners move to Italy is toobtain citizenship. In addition, the spouse must pass the proper B1 language test. Obtaining Italian citizenship is not easier or harder compared to other countries in Europe, however, Italy has specific integration policies that help migrants adapt to the national regulations easier. Do You have children (biological or adopted)? So they have to check these documents are not fake and fully correspond to the ones uploaded. The processing time can take from 24 months to a maximum of 36 months. To qualify, you must be legally married for: Theycan become Italian citizens after 10 years of residency in Italy (if they apply for citizenship through naturalization). Acquisition of Italian citizenship by marriage or Civil Union (same sex-marriage) to an Italian citizen. The last step involves a so-called ceremony. Yes, Italy gives Citizenship by marriage. Bersani Law Firm, 2013 - 2022. IDC is founded on the passion of helping those of Italian descent restore their heritage and connection to Italy. helping clients in acquiring documents that are issued by the Italian institutions. On the other side, they also changed the application itself, which is more transparent butmore complicated. From January 2021, thePortal for submitting the application for Italian Citizenship by Marriage changed. Copy of the applicant's passport and photocopy of the title page. It is now mandatory for applicants wishing to acquire Italian citizenship, based on either article 5 or 9 of the aforementioned Citizenship Act , to have an adequate knowledge of the Italian language at a B1 (QCER) level. For payment from the United States of AmericaBeneficiary: CONTO CORRENTE POSTALE MINISTERO DELLINTERNO D.L.C.I. There areseveral requirements when it comes to Italian Citizenship by marriage. Now that you have a basic idea of how Italian law-issuing works, lets get into the meat of the issue. All the necessary information and procedures required regarding the Italian citizenship can be found on this website. Still, it will certainly increase because of several political and economic circumstances.Think, for example, at Brexit. Receiving a decision on your application: 0-4 months additional Step 5. How To Get Italian Citizenship by Marriage? So, if you have children, you will have to wait for the following. An Italian Spouse married a foreign person. Once youre there, the native partner will have to sign a special affidavit. Continuing navigation accept the use of cookies by us, Applicants born in countries OUTSIDE the U.S.A. Each State in the United States where applicant has previously resided, in original with Apostille and translation in Italian. The Italian Citizenship by Marriageapplication will follow [almost] the same rules and procedure described above for the Italian Citizenship through Marriage application for non-Italian residents. Additionally, the OBL and AWB must show details of the vehicle, such as the chassis . If an Italian citizen adopts someone when they were a child, this person must live in Italy for 7 years. The foreign spouse of an Italian citizen may apply for Italian citizenship to the Prefettura after being married for 2 years, if the couple resides in Italy, and to the Italian Consulate after being married for 3 years if the couple resides abroad. If legal separation, divorce or death of the Italian spouse . 1. Once you become an Italian citizen, you will no longer need to think about visa renewal periods. If the birth certificate is issued in a country that does not recognize the Hague Convention, the certificate and the translation must be legalized by the Italian Consulate where the documents are issued. The above rules and processing time do not apply to the automatic acquisition of Italian citizenship through a marriage that occurred before the date of April 27, 1983 (only for foreign women married before that date). Similarly, the number of years is halved if the couple have minor children. If so, the non-native partner can apply for citizenship once 2 years pass from the original date of marriage. Apostille-certified and Italian-translated non-Italians spouses original long-form copy of birth certificate - The applicant must produce their complete birth certificate and a certified Italian translated version. It refers to the process of getting an Italian Passport because of the marriage with an Italian Citizen. Unless noted otherwise, all of these should be certified copies and not the original documents. Both of you will have to attend this ceremony. How to Apply for Italian Citizenship by Marriage Firstly, register and create an account on the "ALI" web portal which is available in just the Italian language. We want to enlist allItalian Citizenship by Marriage requirementsand the different ways to apply, depending on whether you live in Italy or live abroad. All foreign language documents must be translated into Italian, and local Italian consulate(s) must certify the translations. A.I.R.E. However, the B1 language requirement will remain the same. evidence on having a blood tie with an Italian national (by direct line of descent). If you marry a citizen in a country, you may be entitled to acquire citizenship in that same country. The application can be submitted if, after the marriage, at least 2 years of residence in the country has passed. For the citizens of certain countries, dual citizenship is possible even afterobtaining an Italian passport. Regulations Why may the path of Italian Citizenship through Marriage be complex? To submit a correctItalian Citizenship by Marriage application,severaldocumentsto prepare, and some essential tips to remember. You can make an appointment with your local consulate/prefettura to review your application. State of Birth in the United States, with Apostille and translation in Italian, BENEFICIARY: CONTO CORRENTE POSTALE MINISTERO DELLINTERNO, D.L.C.I. For those registering their marriage with an Italian citizen abroad, the waiting period toapply for Italian citizenship is 3 years. ACQUISITION OF ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP JURE MATRIMONII. If the couple resides abroad, the application for citizenship can be submitted 3 years after marriage. The day you bring the documents. Mar 05, 2021 The Court of Rome has recently established that in those cases where the Italian consulate has not ensured a response in a reasonable time, it becomes possible to obtain the recognition of the citizenship directly from the judge in Italy. Anything submitted before that will undergo processing under the previous laws regulations. At the same time, Youll have to upload a scanned copy of the document You already have, related to that information. Hopefully, this article has helped you figure out how you can prepare for the acquisition in advance. After eighteen months of marriage to an Italian citizen, you are entitled to apply for citizenship. Beginning 05 october 2018 - per article 14 of Legislative Decree of 4 ottobre 2018, n. 113 - the processing time for applications for Italian citizenship by marriage is 48 (forty eight) months from the day that the application is accepted. An account can be created at the following link: https://portaleservizi.dlci.interno.it/. This a great benefit from non-EU citizens choosing toapply for citizenship in Italy. Italian residents married to Italian citizens can apply after two years of legal residency. If there is a number, such as "One", you may apply for entry one time with that visa. The marriage must be registered with the Italian district. Not only did this decree law set the maximum processing time for 48 months but it also established that citizenship by marriage would require a certified knowledge of the Italian language at a level which is no lower than B1. InJanuary 2021, the Italian Government introduced significant amendments to the Italian Citizenship Law, which affected Italian Citizenship by Marriage procedures. The processing time is now up to2 Years as the maximum wait time. Thats why checking the 2-years wait time is essential and mandatory. It means that if You dont have a decision in 2 years, You can fill out anappeal at the Italian Court.The Court will decide your Italian Citizenship through Marriage if the Ministry wont. The head of the Consular Office is your Application Manager. A non-Italian spouse of an Italian citizen is eligible for Italian citizenship after two years of being married or in a civil union so long as the couple resided in Italy. The partner will then have to submit the original copies of all the necessary documents. A foreign citizen who has Italian parents or grandparents who have not lost Italian citizenship can apply themselves for anItalian passportas soon as they can prove their ties with the Italian citizens. The main ways ofobtaining Italian citizenshipare presented in the infographic below: When it comes tohow to get citizenship in Italy, it is important to note that most visas can be a way to this means. The term is reduced by half when. For example, after Brexit, UK Citizens married an Italian spouse. For instance, you can relocate here through the Golden Visa in Italy, a program which grants permanent residence, which can open the pathway to citizenship (after 10 years). Schedule a Biometrics Appointment and Return Form N-400. It was only two years before, on October 4, 2018, that the government had issued the prior decree-law. Depending on the type of application, you will have to submit some documents such as: The rules ofobtaining Italian citizenshiphave been maintained throughout 2022 as well, so those who are familiarized with the applicable law in the field do not have to consider new rules; however, for those who want toapply for Italian citizenship in 2022,our immigration lawyers in Italyare ready provide legal advice and assistance on any procedure that can be of interest, as well as on the extensive set of documents that has to be prepared in this sense and any update of the law. We mention this as abenefit ofobtaining Italian citizenshipbecause Italy is the only EU state which offers the right toconvert a student visa into anemployment residence permit. Here are the7 most importantbenefits of obtaining Italian citizenship: If you need information on the main ways in which you canaccess Italian citizenship, ourimmigration lawyersare at your disposal with complete information and assistance. Can You Obtain Citizenship by Investment in Italy? Anita graduated in International Relations with Spanish from the University of Birmingham, UK. Andwe will apply for you.We alsoassist the Client in the post-approval stage. What is more, it is no longer required to choose between your parents nationality and Italian, because the Italian state now acceptsdual nationality(doppi doppia cittadinanza). Proudly supporting Sea Sheperd Conservation Society, italian-citizenship-by-marriage-contact-us. NOTE: the new provisions set out by the law of December 18, 2020 also apply to citizenship by residency. So, do not think aboutItalian Citizenship by Marriageto get an Italian dual Passport for yourself (that may be the goal for some people). You may apply for citizenship by marriage after you have been married to your spouse for three (3) years if living outside of Italy, or two (2) years if living inside Italy. You may find below the bank account details for payment: the country/US State of birth (required if the applicant has retained the citizenship of Country of birth); every other country or US State where the applicant resided during the course of his/her life; FBI Clearance (Finger Print Form) to be requested from the address below. But this may be an advantage for You in certain circumstances. In addition, it established that as a potential citizen, you would require the knowledge of the Italian language at a specific level. The rules on how to get citizenship in Italy for third party nationals stipulate that it is necessary to live in Italy for 10 years before applying for citizenship. Itcut off by 50%the wait times. Italian spouse's passport and photocopy of the main pages. For monitoring Your application, You have to log in to the Portal and check the Status.. by descent, through Italian parents (maternal or paternal); other pathways can apply as pe the Italian law (such as adoption). Mailing times may add several weeks on to the door-to-door time it takes to receive your passport. PLEASE NOTE: The application must be filled out with the exact name appearing on the birth certificate. Important: the list above is not legal advice, and its not complete with several requirements requested by the Italian Citizenship Laws. NEW LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR CITIZENSHIP BY MARRIAGE. Applicants must show evidence that they've not applied for divorce or separation. Italy has some of the best education and healthcare systems in Europe and all its citizens have access to them. If you have questions aboutItalian citizenship,we will be more than happy to answer them. Cases in which the Italian citizenship by marriage can be revoked Non-EU citizens are bound to first apply for one of the temporary or long-term permanent residence permits issued by the Italian authorities prior to applying forcitizenship in Italy. When people decide to start applying forItalian Citizenship through Marriagewith an Italian spouse, theyhave to pay attention to the requirements. REQUIREMENTS. The demands forItalian Citizenshipthrough Marriageare increasing for several different circumstances. Please consult. evidence on the marriage with an Italian citizen. Applicants must register on the ALI portal and create an account on the Ministero Dell'Interno website. This is reduced to 18 months when children are involved be them biological or adopted. You can apply for Italian citizenship by marriage..In the case of Italian citizenship, you need to be married for at least two years and residing in Italy. The marriage must have been already registered at the Comune in Italy. Italian citizenshipis available under specific laws which can be explained by our lawyers. There are several paths to acquiring Italian citizenship. If your application is accepted, this Consulate General will contact you to schedule an appointment to present all your documentation in original, in person, at our location in Boston (600 Atlantic Avenue, 17 floor). Non-EU citizens whomove to Italybased on a study visa can remain here after finishing their studies. If your Validity Period is 60 months, your visa will be valid for 60 months from the date it is issued. Indeed, Italian Citizenship Laws changed several times in the last decade. Articles 5 8 of Law n. 91 of 1992 on Italian Citizenship governs citizenship whether its by civil union or marriage. At the very least, marriage is often considered a fast track for gaining citizenship and this is certainly true in Italy. Italian Citizenship by Marriageis a way to get an Italian Passport and Dual Italian Citizenship thanks to the fact a person is married to an Italian spouse.Civil unions are eligible, too, as Marriages. Obtaining Kenyan Citizenship by Marriage. They can vary based on the citizenship pathway applied to a person. So now You are ready to fill up all the forms with all the information requested. USCIS promises to respond to your application within one to two weeks. Except for tourist visas, any other type of residence permit, for short and long residency, can be a good way toget citizenship in Italy. Special Notes: You may hear or read two terms that you should know. Italian Citizenshipfor foreigners regularly residing in Italy or not residing in Italy is a fundamental goal. Same-sex unions are officially recognized by Italian law, and from 2016 onwards any LGBT couple could apply for citizenship following the guidelines below. Law No. The 1st class refers to applicants that had a father who was an Italian national at the moment of the birth of the applicant (the father had, at that moment, only Italian nationality). In order to get citizenship based on this special law, the applicant must submit proof of birth and residence of their ancestors living in the respective territories after being annexed to Italy at the end of World War I. Italian citizens and their descendants of Italian citizens living in Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty of Paris of 1947; Italian citizens and their descendants living in the former territory of Trieste until 1977, in accordance with the provisions of the Osimo Treaty of 1975. certificate of Italian citizenship of mother or father (where requested); certificate of criminal record (or certified lack of one); the possibility of working in Italy and the other 27 member states of the European Union; the possibility of studying in Italy, but also in other EU member states of the EU; the access to buying real estate in Italy based on the golden visa program or simple acquisition of citizenship; the possibility of starting a business as an Italian citizen and obtaining various tax benefits; access to moving freely across Europe (the European Union and Schengen area); access to educational services and to the national healthcare system in Italy. 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