The registration process for Hume Lake 2023 is as follows: Registration opens in February 5 2023. Hume Christian Camp has just released their THEME VIDEO for this summer, so that means it is time to sign up for SUMMER CAMP! Youll also sit around a campfire singing worship songs, memorize scripture, watch amazing skits about the Bible performed by the Wagon Train staff and hear each morning and evening the good news of Jesus and His love for us. The relevant programming and passionate staff will help ensure your time in the Meadow will be life-changing. Wagon Train kids will be allowed to use counselor phones to call parents when we are about an hour from the church. That includes things like playing in the mud, running the Gauntlet, doing the Bike Jump, and dominating in Kajabe Kan Kan. If the camp participant has Gilroy Rodeo Grant funds available, and you would like to use those funds for summer camp, please register your child for camp and we will contact you with your adjusted balance afterward. The remaining balance is due no later than two weeks prior to the event check-in day. Recreation. Already registered? January 6-31, 2020. We are so excited! Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. Hume teaches the Gospel while giving students an unforgettable camping experience that reinforces what we teach here at SVCC. For more information about Hume Lake please go to their website. ClickHERE. But once you settle in youll realize that Pondy is actually very realbreakout groups with your peers and youth pastor, sunrise worship by lake, and a thousand simple moments where you notice the Gospel at play in your heart and all around you. Hume is intentional about having a clear Gospel message, an exciting theme, Fun recreation, and energetic worship. This year's theme are Truth Be Told (HS) and Paw & Order (MS) Now if you are ready when you hear the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, bagpipe, and every kind of music, to fall down and worship the image that I have made, well and good. For more information about Hume Lake please go to their website HERE. The second non-refundable deposit of $100/person (totaling $135/person) is due 130 days prior to the event check-in day. We look forward to seeing you this summer! ONLINE using our ONLINE GIVING PAGE select the giving type payment and put your childs name and current grade in the memo, MAIL send to Northpark Community Church, 2297 E Shepherd Ave., Fresno, CA 93720, IN PERSON submit payments on Sunday in your communication card or during regular office hours, For additional questions about Wagon Train, Jr. High or High School camp, contact Childrens Pastor Candi Maur, Current 2nd 5th graders Privacy Policy | 2023 CrossroadsGrace CommunityChurch. You can locate your churchs Medication Administration Record (MAR) from your. At Ponderosa this summer, you will hear the Gospel preached, be challenged through scripture, engage in awesome worship through music, and get some timeboth alone and with your churchto process what God did in your life during your week at camp. This is for church administrators, pastors, or leaders who will have the required paperwork, medications, and payment for the church. This summer we will have an incredible time studying the book of Daniel. 9:00 AM 3:00 PM Ministries 760-379-5615. |. This event requires each participant to complete the SVCCMedical Release. Copyright2019South Valley Community Church. Registration is now open! This pass is provided to prevent confusion when passing through the Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Park on your way to Hume. Included in the fees are transportation, food, lodging, activities, counselors and a lot of fun! If you allow Him, the Lord can use a week at Ponderosa to change your life forever. Should you cancel BETWEEN 7/1 and 7/9 you will receive a $555 refund. FOR STUDENTS ENTERING 9th-EXITING 12th GRADE IN 2023, What:Hume Lake PonderosaWhen: JUNE 11-17, 2023Where: Hume, CAInvestment: $785; $100 deposit required & included in the total cost of camp. 3) The total balance after the $150 deposit can be paid in full or through a payment plan. Cost: $790 ($150 deposit remaining balance can be paid in full or through a payment plan), Who: Incoming 6th-12th graders for Fall 2022, When: Sunday, July 24th Saturday, July 30th, Theme: Truth Be Told (HS) and Paw & Order (MS), Rec Colors: High School Salmon & Sea Blue. Summer Camp Deposit & Cancellation Policy. Were so excited to have your students come to Hume Lake Summer Camp! Youll experience all this and more, like great food, friends, andfun. The details Dates: June 19-25, 2022 Cost: WAGON TRAIN | Elementary (5th-6th grade): $700 MEADOW RANCH | Junior High (7th-8th): $775 PONDEROSA | High School (9th-graduated seniors): $775 $100 deposit due at time of registration to hold your spot registration opens March 13 This summer we are going to take a look at the life of Jesus through the book of John to see how Jesus himself defines truth. THEME VIDEO:Dont miss this! Hume Lake Christian Camp, in addition to many other camps and retreats, provides youth camps that are epic, high-energy, life-changing programs. var u1466493187="scgyouth"; var h552502101="";var linktext=u1466493187+'@'+h552502101;h552502101="";document.write(''); Must provide a $250 non-refundable deposit to secure your spotDeposit/Cancellation Policy1. Summer UNITE (with Dominic Nuncio) | Hume Lake Christian Camps - Hume, CA. The medical release form is a fillable PDF. Hume Lake 2022 Last year, our youth camp at Hume Lake was abruptly cancelled due to COVID. . Weve opened our lodges and cabins to families and couples! So Paulo reportedly plans homeless camp following 30% rise in rough sleepers. Simply complete the form on your device, save it, and email it to Kylie Healy at [emailprotected] Unless your information has changed, if you have completed a Crossline medical release form between March 2019 January 2022, you do not need to complete another form. The Hume-Bennett Lumber Company was a logging operation in the Sequoia National Forest in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Monday Thursday Activities. Please note that this is. Find them on our FAQ page below! This covers the cost of the camp, transportation & lodging for the adult leaders/counselors that will take a week of time from their normal activities to guide our youth at Hume Lake. With that in mind, we have made the following changes so that the funds available can be stretched as far as possible. We will examine the steadfastness of Daniel and his friends while challenging ourselves to practice daily spiritual disciplines. The IFRA Global Fragrance Summit 2022 offers registrations for both in-person and online attendance. Should you cancel BETWEEN 2/6 and 2/28 you will receive a $115 refund. As Hume updates us we will update you on protocols, restrictions etc for camp. They will also be expected to serve one shift with mcc|youth during the Pumpkin Fest Mac-n-Cheese booth in Half Moon Bay in October 2023. Closed Friday. We look forward to heading up to camp with you this summer! Need more info about Wagon Train Camp at Hume Lake? With chapels hosted by our Camp Directors, youll get to participate in worship, play virtual Rec games, watch theme videos, and hear from Hume speakers. Hume Lake Christian Camps are year-round youth camps providing epic, high-energy, life-changing programs for students. Hume has invested nearly $20 million in the past few years to make Hume New England a new, fresh, beautiful, and affordable location for church camps and retreats. HVAC systems, internal fans, and operable windows will be kept functioning and operational to maintain good air circulation within the camp buildings throughout the season. Dining will be at normal capacity without extra spacing at tables or mask requirements. When: June 12-18, 2022 These phrases force us to ask, and answer, the question, Is there such a thing as absolute truth? And if there is, how does that affect our life? Hume Lake Summer Camp July 17th-23rd 2022. . COVID POLICY FOR HUME: As of right now Hume is requiring all students regardless of vaccination status to get tested 72 hoursprior to the day we head up to camp. To find your remaining balance, log into your Online Account and click "View All Statements.". I will keep all people registered updated about the COVID policy. We have requested more spots. Summer Camps at Hume Lake are a life-shaping experience, inspiring the minds of our students for Christ, leaving them changed and hungry for more. It only allows a vehicle to drive non-stop through the 4 miles of the park on your way to Hume Lake Christian Camps. Limited space available on a first come, first served basis, so sign up now. Camperships are available through Hume Lake directly. Hume Lake takes pride in its high-energy recreation allowing kids to be kids. The good news? Copyright 2023 Shadow Mountain Community Church. Should you cancel BETWEEN 6/1 and 6/30 you will receive a $455 refund. If you are unfamiliar with this story, take some time before camp to read it thoroughly. 64144 Hume Lake Rd. Present this at the park entrance booth to avoid being charged the park visiting fee. Students fill out the student scholarship questionnaire. If you cancel your spot, you will forfeit the full deposit at the time of cancellation.2. Social Distancing There will be no social distancing indoors and chapel will be indoor as normal. Youll also sit around a campfire singing worship songs, memorize scripture, watch amazing skits about the Bible performed by the Wagon Train staff and hear each morning and evening the Good News of Jesus and his love for us. *Due to a generous donor, the cost of camp will remain the same as 2022. That's right, we are heading up the mountain Sunday, July 23rd - Saturday, July 29th with 350 students and leaders for what promises to be an epic week at summer camp. In-Person Attendance: IFRA Members: US$ 200 for early bird by 30 September (R$ 1080) (US$ 250 from 01 October, or R$ 1350) Phrases such as my truth, live your truth, do whats true for you, are used everyday. Below is all the pertinent information youll need, including all required registration forms. Print and distribute one pass for each vehicle coming to camp. DOWNLOAD Hume Lake Insurance Certificate Form. Camper fee: Hume's Wagon Train fee for 2022 is $590 which must be paid in full by Jun 16 Deposit and payment plan: A $130 initial deposit is required at the time of registration, followed by four additional monthly payments of $115 each. These phrases force us to ask and answer the question, Is there such a thing as absolute truth? And if there is, how does that affect our life? *Please always note your students name and which camp they are attending on all payments! ), We are thrilled to announce that the Gathering will be going to Hume Lake this summer! CAMP DETAILS. Well care for your little ones while youre out having big fun! This years theme are Truth Be Told (HS) and Paw & Order (MS). Call Hume Welcome Center at 559.305.7770 (Toll-free: 800.965.4863). Should you cancelBETWEEN 4/1 and 4/30 you will receive a $285 refund. Please note that this is not a pass for access to visit the National Park. DO NOT REGISTER ON THE HUME WEBSITE, use the links below in order to be in our Northpark group. Were bringing Hume to you! Come up the mountain to worship, hear the Word, and spend time playing together in Gods creation. Does not include all camp recreational activities, meals while traveling to and from camp, snacks, souvenirs, etc. Hume, CA 93628. Experience dynamic worship from sunrise to sunset, innovative recreation, Gospel-based teaching, and much more. The relevant programming and passionate staff will help ensure that your time in the Meadow will be life changing. A non-refundable deposit in the amount of $35/person must be received in order to confirm your registration. And the Bible brought to life as youve never seen. However, the company also engaged in destructive clearcutting logging practices, cutting down 8,000 giant sequoias in Converse Basin . This Old West experience includes sleeping in a real covered wagon, learning Archery and BB guns, riding canoes and kayaks around the pond and exploring Fort Logan (our three-story island fort). Thats right, we are heading up the mountainSunday,July 24th Saturday, July 30th with 350 students and leaders for what promises to be an epic week at summer camp. Learn about the spiritual direction and download promotional materials for each camp at Hume Lake this summer. Please have them watch the video and read this Counselor Guidebook carefully before coming to camp. Camp-wide recreation games will have you talking about camp for years to come. All the information you need to know to go to camp is included below. Let us help out. Hume Lake Summer Camp June 11-17, 2023 at Hume Lake Christian Camp. Epic, high-energy, life-changing program for youth groups of all sizes Go Day Camp 1st thru 6th grade Visiting Hume Lake? Weve created these resources for them to learn about their responsibilities as counselors. As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. This includes a $20 transportation fee. Register to the GFS 2022 by Friday, September 30th, 2022 to secure special "early bird" rates! 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