7 Year Old Sid: "Hi there, can I get 1 scoop of strawberry banana ice cream, please . they had fifteen minutes to eat just as many as they could. Katherine Robinson picks Baby Adelaide up. Shes shown to have such an interest in K-pop, especially Twelve is Midnight, that she wants to save up for a life-size cutout of Yoon Kwan, and later says she wants to get cutouts for all the members of the band. In "Teacher's Fret", Sid is the only one outside Ronnie Anne's family who Ronnie Anne confides in about her father's relationship with their teacher. ", Becca: "Oh, Stanley, it's time to go right down to the hospital.". She dreams about marrying Yoon Kwan as she put his photo next to a picture of herself in a wedding dress. Carl Express. Quote Dia de Los Muertos (formerly)Playing without her sisterHer pets dyingBeing lied toHelping rivals or strangersThe lack of female El Falcon heroes (formerly) Sid Chang is a new girl in Great Lakes City who's Ronnie Anne 's best friend. Adelaide is impressed by her mother's entrance riding Bitsy. Gladys Robertson gives 7 Year Old Sid the horses patch. Sid: "Adelaide. Baby Adelaide: "Nah, I don't bewieve dat. 7 Year Old Sid prepares to make her wacky face. Stanley: "Oh, Becca, she's super beautiful, she's a little sweet girl.". Becca: "There, she's finally asleep, the poor little sweet girl's 1st multi-season cold's really getting to her. Adelaide Chang Robertson. In "The Two of Clubs", Stanley overheard his daughter discussing with Ronnie Anne which clubs to try and suggested the Introduction to Model Trains club. In "An Udder Mess" Lincoln and Sid played various games at Dairyland. Sid and Adelaide. Production information She often helps her with animals under her care. In "Room for Improvement with the Casagrandes", after making up a lie to throw off suspicion of the secret room she and Ronnie Anne discovered, she realizes Becca was using her toothbrush to brush a sloth's teeth, which grossed her out. The baby girl's eyes are now in focus and concentration. Appearances Sid is a light-skinned, half-Chinese girl, with long brown hair and freckles. 7 Year Old Sid: "So do you girls wanna come to my mom's baby shower party right after school today? 6[1] Throughout the rest of the day, the various tenants of the apartment arrive and apologize if they got in the way of hanging out and state that if the two want to hang out in the apartment, they can simply ask them and they'll leave. Relatives She is voiced by Lexi Sexton. And when Ronnie Anne said that she doesn't want to play favorites against them, the two apologized and explained that they'll never think that Ronnie Anne was playing favorites and made up with a group hug. Sid is a very bubbly and sweet girl, and a very nice friend to Ronnie Anne. Throughout the day, Adelaide plays all her favourite games with Carl; tea party, princesses, and her version of El Falcn de Fuego, putting him a little out of his comfort zone. Scene 1: The Chang family members' house/the dining room 7 Year Old Sid, Becca and Stanley are enjoying their dinner meal of oven baked chicken, mashed taters and green beans. ", Stanley: "Well, some young kids become siblings by birth and some of them become siblings by adoption. Personality ", Stanley: "I think the Jeffersons understand more about crying babies and little tykes. ", Baby Adelaide: [Crying And Wailing Again], Olivia: "Wow, that's super loud. In the end, Carl and Adelaide have a superhero tea party together, now really being friends. Adelaide runs right over to Sid in panic. ", Ronnie Anne (on her smart phone): "Oh yeah? 7 Year Old Sid stands right by Baby Adelaide's bright pink crib. ", Stanley: "Adelaide, did you have a nightmare? The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. ", Becca: "Hey, Sid, Stanley, I got a super good idea,", Stanley: "let's go out to the diner for our breakfast meal. Throughout the party they cause a bit of trouble' spoiling the scary stories, breaking the music player. 7 Year Old Sid (sitting in the armchair and holding Baby Adelaide in her arms): "Hi there, Adelaide. Stanley: "we can't go through with this. . ", Sophia: "I think you should try something new. Early life. Dr. Gunderson picks up Baby Adelaide while 7 Year Old Sid sits right in the armchair and he places her right in 7 Year Old Sid's arms. Contents 1 Heroic Acts ", Adelaide: [Sniffs A Bit Then Keeps Calm] "Can you sing that relaxing lullaby for me? did I do something wrong here? ", Adelaide (on her smart phone): "I discovered a hole in my sweet beautiful stomach. In "Karma Chameleon", Adelaide gives Ronnie Anne everything she needs to take care of Froggy 2 and hugs Ronnie Anne as a thanks for petsitting. Ronnie Anne made a plan with her brother, cousins and Sid to scare off any applicants and turn apartment 3A into a total disaster so the Chang Family can move in. Adelaide's now in her bed in her pajama clothes. They end up ruining the party and throw away the costumes before going to Sameer's party, but when the bouncer won't let them in without a costume,they retrieve their costumes from the trash to get in, despite how much they reek. ", 7 Year Old Sid: "Oh my word, she's awake. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, Room for Improvement with the Casagrandes, Pranks for the Memories with the Casagrandes. Baby Adelaide and Kayla: [Cooing And Giggling], 7 Year Old Sid: "Look, they're speaking in baby language. She then has Carl pretend to be a married couple with her and takes him on the train. But he does allow them the try dancing for money on the GLART. with the Casagrandes" Adelaide is the baby sister of Sid Chang and the friend and love interest of Carlino Casagrande . Stanley and Becca Chang are the parents of Sid Chang and Adelaide Chang on The Casagrandes, introduced when they moved in to the Casagrandes' apartment building in The Loud House episode "Friended! Just then, Stanley and Becca are in their PJS and went to Adelaide's room where Sid is. She is known for her fictional character appearance as Sid Chang in Nickelodeon's The Loud House and The Casagrandes. ", Nathan: "Wet's get outta dese monkey cages, you 2 fowwow my wead. ", Stanley: "What do we think we should name our 2nd born daughter? In "Uptown Funk", Stanley invites Adelaide to ride in the conductors cabin with him, offering to let her blow the horn, plat the announcements, and even bring a friend along. Stanley Chang (father); Becca Chang (mother); Sid Chang (sister) In "A Very Casagrandes Christmas", Adelaide and her family go to the Casagrandes' for help when their holiday plans get messed up and join them for singing to their neighbors. 7 Year Old Sid: "That's a super good wacky face, Adelaide, do that again.". Sid is a very bubbly and sweet girl, and a very nice friend to Ronnie Anne. Outside Adelaide's nightmare sequence. Adelaide: [Whimpering In Fear] "N-No, p-please, n-no! First appearance Friends Coiled tricked . Pre-TCG ", Baby Adelaide: "Who just said dat? okay, Sid, show us your gift.". She lives with her parents, Becca and Stanley and her younger sister Adelaide. ", Baby Adelaide (turning the handle all the way around): La dee. Voice Sid: "so we got eight crackers of each in the empty popcorn bowl. Shes also good at engineering and knitting, but bad at pottery and preparing calamari. Sid (continued): I'm here . Sid: "Adelaide? this is your new baby sister, Adelaide. Lana and Lola discover a starfish and a dolphin painted on Sid and Adelaide's sweet beautiful bellybuttons right after their song. Katie: "We're super good at taking super good care of babies,", Janet: "Right here, next to the coffee table. Suddenly a thunderstorm claps and scares Adelaide and Adelaide jumps out of bed and asks Sid to sleep with her. Becca has just put Baby Adelaide right down in her bright pink crib. Movie Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. when Francesca's around, it's like I'm invisible or something, you probably want her for an older sister.". Adelaide wins that round. In "Friended! In "I, Breakfast Bot", Sid upgrades Breakfast Bot to do Ronnie Anne's chores for her. with the Casagrandes". Because of her interest in animals, shes also really good at doing impressions, such as bird calls, which she tends to use for secret missions and communication. then I'll say the word stop. In these designs, she was shown to have much lighter hair and braces for the most part but went through phases of having different hair and clothes. Adelaide and Carl have very little boundaries when collecting the scavenger hunt items, and even go as far as to jump into Par's delivery truck. 7 Year Old Sid, Becca (with Baby Adelaide in her arms) and Stanley walk around right outside the Perry-Conway Memorial Daycare Center. RuntyRaven87822. Sid flash backs to the memories and times of when she 1st met Baby Adelaide when she was 7 years old. She's new to the city but dives head-first into everything she finds interesting. Sid has a sister named Adelaide. When Bobby tells Sid that Ronnie Anne just won two Dairyland tickets, Sid assumes Ronnie Anne is taking her. 2019-11-06https://web.archive.org/web/20191106040049/https://twitter.com/SammieCrowley/status/1191925808664694784. Here's another picture I made.Here's Sid and her sister Adelaide meeting a familiar heffalump from the Hundred Acre Wood.I. It's okay, Adelaide. ], Adelaide: [Scared] "Sid, I'm scared of the thunderstorm can you sleep with me tonight?! Francesca: "Wow, this is super thrilling. She enjoys watching Lucha Libre, but doesnt enjoy actually participating in it. ", Sophia: "What about a nice and relaxing powerful lullaby? ", 7 Year Old Sid: "Yeah, Mom, I understand that right now.". Sonic575. Sid Chang is a new girl in Great Lakes City who is best friends with Ronnie Anne. ", Becca: "But Dr. Gunderson promised me a much comfy hospital room.". ", 7 Year Old Sid: "Good, then it's a deal. In "How to Train Your Carl", Sid and Adelaide, along with Ronnie Anne, CJ and Carl, join on a safari tour with their parents. 4 57. then we'll need to try our super best to whistle. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Baby Adelaide crawls right over on her way to the jack-in-the-box. Sid and her family live in the Casagrande Apartment in apartment 3A. In fact, Sid's bedroom is right above Ronnie Anne's! They also find out together who was messing with them in the cemetery. Adelaide dies when she fights off Carl, as he rips out her heart. Professional sass bucket But as they start racing, Carlitos rides after them on Lalo onto the tracks. Stanley: "we heard Adelaide crying from in here. 21 113 [Commission] Carlaide Hug. Age Later, Sid takes Adelaide to the park and tells her that if she dug to the bottom of the sandbox she'd find a portal to Australia. 7 Year Old Sid (dream sequence) is juggling tennis balls and Francesca (dream sequence) is riding around on a unicycle. Sid puts a consoling hand on Adelaide's right shoulder. ", Adelaide: "but we can both actually whistle. Sidney "Sid" Chang is a minor character in The Loud House, and a main deuteragonist in The Loud House spin-off The Casagrandes. And to All a Good Night. She was eventually given darker hair, but in her final design, she had brown hair. Adelaide Chang is Sid Chang's younger sister who debuts as a minor character in The Loud House and later appearing as a major character in The Casagrandes. In "How to Train Your Carl", Adelaide was under Sid's care during a safari tour at the zoo. ", Sid: "Alright I'm going back to sleep. Sid and her family live in the Casagrande Apartment in apartment 3A. three, two, one. ", Baby Adelaide: "Adewaide. for you. Meanwhile, they're all sitting right down for their breakfast meal. And will wake you up in the morning goodnight, Adelaide. Katie gives Becca the 2nd baby shower gift. Sid Chang is a new girl in Great Lakes City whos Ronnie Annes best friend. ", All 2nd grade students: "Good morning, Ms. 7 Year Old Sid's getting more quilt patches from the ice cream parlor, the library and other places. Elementary school student there's nothing to be terrified of around here. but we're not gonna have a timer. They tell her about Dia de los Muertos, but accidentally convince her that her frog will physically return from the dead. They later try to convince Adelaide that Froggy returned by using a fake. Sid mentions how this isn't the first time he's done this. Sid and Adelaide show their sweet beautiful bellybuttons for just a bit. She & Adelaide are best friends with Ginger . It sounds like she can whistle super loudly with two, three or four of her fingers. In "Pranks for the Memories with the Casagrandes", Sid was impressed by how well Ronnie Anne gets along with her male cousins. When Sid gets the Pete to let Adelaide keep Froggy 2, Adelaide is excited. Dr. Gunderson: "Alright, Becca, you can do it, push now, keep going, (she looks around at the other staff members.) Sid and Adelaide do the regular and saltine cracker challenge. with the Casagrandes", Ronnie Anne wanted Sid to live in the Casagrande Apartment, so they can be closer together. Becca: "Wow, a gorilla plushy, my 2nd born son or daughter will really love it. Ronnie Anne joined Sid in cinema, but she started feeling guilty and decided to fix her mistakes. Adelaide Chang hypnotized. of some creepy stranger. Sid was worried, that Ronnie Anne has to decide between watching the movie with her or helping her grandmother Rosa. ", Stanley: "AAAAAAAAAAH! I undewstood it. well I guess we can try to squeeze you in someplace, right? I tried to escape them. so-". Back home in the Chang family members' house again/Baby Adelaide's bedroom. In "Uptown Funk", Adelaide tries to get Carl to play with her, but when he refuses she doesn't get noticeably upset. Human Frogs; Reptiles; Zoo critters; Ballet dancing; Martial arts karate; Princess tea parties; Tunneling; Whistling with the marmosets; Marching Throughout the day, she has a lot of fun with Froggy 2, until Sid and Ronnie Anne return Froggy 2 to the pet store. Ronnie Anne meeting Sid for the first time. Baby Adelaide makes her very own wacky face. When Sid shows a picture of her family to Ronnie Anne in "Friended! give us back our 2nd born daughter!". Age Personality. In "Croaked", Sid wanted to make Adelaide feel better when she is grieving over the death of her pet, Froggy. Background information Adelaide Chang is one of the new characters within The Loud House franchise. yahoo!". ", 7 Year Old Sid: "What's Adelaide crying about? ", [Music In Background As the Parents Watch Sid Singing a Lullaby.]. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Sid and Adelaide Chang 2.6K. Sid Chang () is a minor character in The Loud House, and a main deuteragonist in The Loud House spin-off The Casagrandes. ", Baby Adelaide: "It wooks compwetewy hawmwess. In "How to Train Your Carl", Becca invites Adelaide to sleepover at the zoo, along with Carl, Sid, CJ and Ronnie Anne. ", Ronnie Anne (on her smart phone): "Does it really hurt? The 4 young girls walk around on their way to Becca's hospital room. She once dreamt that she stayed up for three days. they just kept chasing me around all over the place.". Adelaide Lexi Chang (born January 17, 2013) is an ooaderated American child dancer and actress. The time came for the Total Drama Island show to start airing weekly and Sid and younger sister Adelaide would come over to watch with the Casagrandes; Ronnie Anne actually did show up to watch with them even silently. ", 7 Year Old Sid: "Mom and Dad, Adelaide got terribly upset when she got startled by that jack-in-the-box.". Sid and Ronnie Anne try to cheer her up after the loss of her pet frog. Later, Ronnie Anne vents to her best friend about her Dad going back to Peru after his visit and when she points out that it may be because he doesn't think she needs him like his patients, this gives her an idea of how to convince him to stay. The Loud House Encyclopedia: Adelaide Chang. ", Stanley: "That's good. 7 Year Old Sid makes her leave and walks around on her way back home to the Chang family members' house. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. But then Adelaide assumes she can bring anyone back from the dead and tries to bring back her great-aunt, Abraham Lincoln, and someone named Mr. Woodford. Background information First episode Katherine Robinson: "Oh my word, she won't quit crying. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, Room for Improvement with the Casagrandes, Melissa Joan Hart Returns to Nickelodeon in Animated Series The Casagrandes. ruffytoon. ", Sid and Ronnie Anne were both excited watching a preview of a movie called "Bark Night". Its also revealed that she also sleepwalks whenever she watches videos before bedtime. Sass bucket (by her sister)Mrs. Casagrande-Chang (by herself)[n 1]Mommy (by Carl and herself)Super Princesa (by Carl)My new star student (by Par)Sweetie (by her mother)Bun (by her father)Child (by the female bandit)Pandalaide (by herself) Katie touches Baby Adelaide's head gently. ", Stanley: "I don't think she'll ever go down. Becca (reading the tag on the 2nd baby shower gift): To Mrs. Chang, from, Katie. Becca and Stanley make their leave and 7 Year Old Sid walks right out on her way to the bus stop and the school bus drives around on their way to the Gunther Town Elementary School building. stand by, Sid. Sid became really good friends with Thomas and works well with him along with adelaide. Sid puts her arms around Adelaide and begins stroking her hair a bit. It's Still a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, Lola Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter. Olivia: "Here it is. Adelaide: "No, please, no, stay away from me! ", 7 Year Old Sid: "Come on, girls, let's go, my mom's probably finished doing her rhythmic breathing by now.". 7 Year Old Sid: "Adelaide, why on earth did you do that?". and try our super best to whistle. ", Sid: "Shhhhhhh, it's okay, Adelaide. In The Loud House, she was animated without eyelashes; however, official artwork and artwork by crew members depict her as having eyelashes. ", Stanley: "but right after that comes kindergarten, then school, then college, then our little sweet girl will be all gone away. She enjoys ballet dancing and is also the top student in the karate class taught by Par. Stanley Chang (father)Becca Chang (mother)Sid Chang (older sister)Milly (great aunt; deceased) ", Francesca: "I wonder what they could be saying to 1 another. Syd Chang is a daughter of two parents . A dream come true for any pair of BFFs. ", Katie: "Sid's gonna become a big responsible sister to a baby boy or girl. [She picks up Adelaide to her room and falls asleep with her.]. Adelaide Chang is a minor character in The Loud House and a supporting character in The Casagrandes. 7 Year Old Sid (rubbing the back of Baby Adelaide's head gently): "There now, Adelaide, everything's gonna be alright, your big sister's here to make it all better for you.". Sid also went through many different phases of prototype designs. Sid: "Adelaide, what's going on around here?". Glass of Warm Sid. Sid: Sleep. ", Sophia: "Why sure, of course, lullabies or bedtime stories are a proven method of keeping babies and little tykes calm. ", 7 Year Old Sid: "Does this mean I'm gonna become a big responsible sister? UniversePines7102. DanielWresch98. After finding a rat in Sid's costume, she and Ronnie Anne fall into the half pipe and end up destroying their costumes, making the bouncer kick them out. Lexi Sexton Lucha Libre club was right for Ronnie Anne, but too aggressive for Sid. how exactly are you feeling about this? In "Blunder Party", Ronnie Anne invited Sid, Nikki, Casey, Sameer and Laird for a slumber party. they had eight crackers each. Room for Improvement Day of the Dad Behind the Scenes Adelaide Chang's Model Sheet After trying various other clubs with none of them working out, they try to compromise to let the other do their favorite clubs separately. ", Kayla (pointing right at the jack-in-the-box): "Just keep away fwom dat 1 ovew dewe. Becca opens the baby shower gift and finds a baby mobile right inside of it. ", 7 Year Old Sid: "Super good and thrilling, can I be excused right now? She enjoys playing games of pretend and has a flair for the dramatic. With The Casagrandes. Adelaide Katie Chang. Adelaide isn't surprised by her mom's stamina, calling it "Classic Mom". This page describes all of Sid Chang's relationships with her family and friends. She lives with her parents, Becca and Stanley, and her younger sister Adelaide. with the Casagrandes", she calls Adelaide a "professional little sass bucket", implying that she sometimes finds her little sister annoying, but still cares about her very much. Adelaide falls asleep due to Sid's powerful lullaby working perfectly for her. 7 Year Old Sid's dream sequence: An ancient temple Baby Adelaide (dream sequence): [Crying And Wailing Again], Olivia (dream sequence): "Whoever can stop the little sweet princess from crying should be given the title of true older sister. ", Becca: "Yeah, that's right Adelaide sweetie cakes. backuparguelles. ", Becca: "I'll just up her baby monitor, then we'll all go right back to bed. Playing pretendAnimals (frogs in particular)Playing with SidPlaying in the sandboxKangaroosScary toursTea partiesPineapple pizzaBalletKarateSugar, Sugar Rainbow Unicorn Friendship HourBeing admitted that she is better at karateGhost storiesGiant s'moresMaking El Falcon marry El Dragon as a protest to Carl but I couldn't. Sid assures Ronnie Anne that she can rebuild Breakfast Bot, and is more concerned about what Rosa will say to Ronnie Anne and her primos when she sees the apartment. She initially refuses to help Carl when he accidentally messes with the train's controls, but she eventually does help him, having been a two-time winner of the Junior GLART Award. Elementary school student Introduction with the Casagrandes", the two of meet and quickly become best friends. When Sid and Ronnie Anne have had enough, they send her and Carl on a fake scavenger hunt, in which they get a head start, thinking everyone was participating. 7 Year Old Sid goes right into Baby Adelaide's bedroom and gives Baby Adelaide her baby formula and pats her on her back side lighter and harder. 7 Year Old Sid: "Wait, Mom and Dad, I know just what to do around here?". They look exactly like their original counterparts, but with red eyes, sharp teeth, and black scars. Shes also interested in animals, due to her mom having a job at the city zoo. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Occupation In "Team Effort", Ronnie Anne recruits Sid to be part of a skateboarding team, which she was reluctant to as she recalls the first time she tried skateboarding, but Ronnie Anne offers to teach her and allows her to be a hotdog mascot for the team. Carl failed to properly advertize the dojo, so he asked Adelaide to do this. They are paid by the tenants for each dog they are given to walk, but they get scared off by the Street Cats and end up using the money they were paid while trying to get them all back. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!". Adelaide agreed after Carl's confession. In "How to Train Your Carl", she and Carl go camping at the zoo with CJ, Ronnie Anne, and Sid. She's also sensitive sometimes. She owns several pet animals that her mom has saved from around the world. In "Karate Chops" before Adelaide joined Par's Dojo Carl was Par's best karate apprentice, so when Adelaide easily proved to be more skilled at karate, Carl got jealous. ", Olivia: "Oh my gosh, what a super good name for a cute and adorable baby girl. [Then Adelaide wakes up screaming From Her terrible and horrible nightmare.] ", Kayla: "Danks a wot, you guys woke me up fwom my beauty sweep. Adelaide Chang is considered as a 6-year-old sister of Sid Chang, and the second daughter of Becca and Stanley Chang. 7 Year Old Sid, Katie, Francesca and Olivia go right into the game room and begin playing some video games there. She's the first to grow suspicious of Carl's decoy, and later, she's the one who discovers it's a fake. ", 7 Year Old Sid: "I think we need to wait it out.". In "Face the Music with the Casagrandes", when Ronnie Anne confides to Sid about her stage fright with Hector's birthday coming up, she attempts to help her conquer her fears by performing in front of folks on the subway and on an empty street, but with no success. In attempt to tire her out, Sid tells Adelaide to dig to the bottom of the sandbox until she finds a portal to Australia. She wears a sleeveless red shirt with a white collar and a yellow button on the center, along with a purple skirt and black sneakers. 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