Cuando visite nuestro sitio web, nuestros servidores grabarn diversa informacin de manera annima. El usuario se compromete a no introducir, almacenar o difundir mediante este sitio web, cualquier contenido que infrinja derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial, ni en general ningn contenido respecto del cual no ostenten, de conformidad con la ley, el derecho a ponerlo a disposicin de terceros. In this sense, it is very important to include the following in daily practice: In accordance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE) the identification data of the company are detailed below. The use, under any modality, of all or part of the content of this site is subject to the requirement of requesting prior authorization from ELESAPIENSand/or legitimate third-party holders and the acceptance of the pertinent license, if applicable, excepting the provisions governing the rights acknowledged and granted to users by virtue of these general terms or so determined under the specific terms that ELESAPIENS establishes to regulate the use of a particular service and/or content offered over this website. They are aware of what is going on in the class. As is the case with many other website operators, ELESAPIENS may use standard technology called cookies. El usuario no podr realizar cualquier accin que suponga la reproduccin, distribucin, copia, alquiler, comunicacin pblica, transformacin o cualquier otra accin similar que suponga la modificacin o alteracin, de todo o parte de los contenidos y servicios del sitio o la explotacin econmica de los mismos, sin la autorizacin previa y por escrito de ELESAPIENS o de terceros propietarios de los derechos de propiedad intelectual e industrial que recaigan sobre los servicios o contenidos del sitio web y a salvo de lo dispuesto en estas condiciones generales o, en su caso, condiciones particulares que regulen el uso de un servicio y/o contenido existente en el sitio web. Analyse the role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning . Therefore, teaching content should be joined by teaching self-management and self-control. In any case, the personal data of the students are used only for the management of groups and assignments by the teacher. Las cookies son pequeos archivos que se transfieren al equipo al visitar un sitio web y que pueden ayudar a proporcionar funcionalidad adicional cuando se vuelve a visitar el sitio. Payment by Transfer: This payment method is only available to School Plan subscribers. Classroom management is the foundation for a safe environment. The website may contain hyperlinks to other websites. 7 Present topics in a problem-based format. an assessor not taking into account a learner's particular needs. First, lesson planning helps teachers better understand their students and their needs. Unit 8060 Support Individual's To Meet Personal Care Needs. Espaa, inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Madrid el 24 de abril de 2.012, en el Tomo 29.859, folio 143, hoja nmero M-537264, inscripcin 1, es una empresa dedicada a producir y comercializar productos educativos y de entretenimiento digitales. 3.2 Establish and sustain a safe, inclusive learning environment 3.3 Explain how own practice in creating and maintaining a safe, . El sitio web puede contener hipervnculos a otros sitios web. Entre ellas, pero no de forma limitativa, las huelgas, tanto de sus propios trabajadores como de trabajadores ajenos, insurrecciones o revueltas, as como normas dictadas por cualquier autoridad civil o militar, catstrofes naturales como terremotos, inundaciones, rayos o incendios, guerras, cierres patronales o cualquier otra situacin de fuerza mayor. Users may also exercise their rights by sending a photocopy of both sides of their national identity card -or equivalent document- to the electronic mail inclusive learning and teaching are attainable concerning the external and internal requirements. Release and limitation of liability of ELESAPIENS. Inclusive learning provides individual needs of the learners; therefore allowing the trainer to develop lesson and activities associated with learner's needs. Assessments should cater for all learning styles and shouldn't in any way discourage or inhibit the learning process. of learners. ELESAPIENS warns clients that subscription invoices cannot be changed once issued, without prejudice to their right to obtain a rectified invoice in the events provided for under current legislation (Royal Decree 1619/2012 of 30 November, approving the Regulation governing invoice obligations). ELESAPIENS provides users with all the technical means required to identify and correct any mistake made while providing details on the different forms that appear on the screen during the subscription process. ELESAPIENS shall file the online document on which the agreement is formalized, which shall be accessible. Methodological strategies can help prevent some of these effects. Entendemos que, al registrarse y proporcionarnos informacin a travs de este sitio Web, nos autoriza expresamente para efectuar tales comunicaciones y/o cesiones. Difamar, insultar, acosar, perseguir, amenazar o de otra manera violar los derechos legales de otras personas; Publicar, exponer, subir, enviar por correo electrnico, distribuir o divulgar (colectivamente, Transmitir) cualquier contenido no apropiado, profano, difamatorio, obsceno, indecente o ilegal; Enviar archivos que contienen virus, archivos daados o cualquier otro software similar, o programas que pueden daar o afectar de una manera negativa el funcionamiento del ordenador de otra persona, pgina web, cualquier software o hardware, u otro equipo. By identifying what are their goals I determine what they need to do in orders to achieve their goals. School home or work. IN ADDITION to Tier 1 instruction, an additional time per day gives teachers time to re-teach the elements of reading that . This website shall also be understood to include all the microsites which can be accessed herefrom unless the microsite in question expressly indicates its own usage terms, in which case said terms shall be applicable. In our work with schools and districts across the United States, we know firsthand the difficulties that educators face in finding the strategies and resources to support success in all of their students. For said purpose, the person concerned should send the written notice to ELESAPIENS indicating the request or right being exercised together with a copy of his/her national identity card or another document that is valid by law to accredit his/her identity. Part 2 Within the report explain: * Analyse your own role and responsibilities in education and training * How does . To demand any indemnification that might derive from the improper or unlawful use of all or part of the services and contents provided over this website. Si tiene cualquier pregunta o preocupacin, pngase en contactocon ELESAPIENS en el telfono (+34) 91 3652641 o escrbanos a Identify . le propone diversos medios de pago para que pueda elegir aquel que ms le convenga o se adapte mejor a sus necesidades: Pago por Tarjeta de Crdito: Puede utilizar Visa y Mastercard. The use of hyperlinks to this website shall only be approved by ELESAPIENS by written authorization and provided that the hyperlink is created in accordance with the terms set forth hereunder: ELESAPIENS guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data provided by users and their processing in accordance with the current legislation on personal data protection: EU Regulation 2016/679, of 27 April, on General Data Protection. Initial assessment takes place when a learner starts a new course. En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679, de 27 de abril, General de Proteccin de Datos, ELESAPIENS LEARNING & FUN S.L. Dentro de la expresin sitio o sitio web se comprenden -con carcter delimitativo, pero no limitativo- los datos, textos, grficos, imgenes, animaciones, creaciones musicales, vdeos, sonidos, dibujos, fotografas y otros incluidos en el mismo, y, en general, todas las creaciones expresadas por cualquier medio o soporte, tangible o intangible con independencia de que sean susceptibles o no de propiedad intelectual de acuerdo al Texto Refundido de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual. B-86432101 y domicilio social en c/ Orense 20, 2-10, 28020, Madrid, Espaa, inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Madrid el 24 de abril de 2.012, en el Tomo 29.859, folio 143, hoja nmero M-537264, inscripcin 1, al que se accede mediante la direccin It teaches students how to treat one another in and out of the classroom., I can do this by decorating the classroom and getting to personally know and communicate with the students. Learning outcome 1: Be able to agree individual learning goals with learners. ELESAPIENS does not assume any liability for the services and contents, nor for the availability and conditions (technical or otherwise) of access thereto, that are offered by third-party service providers, particularly information society service providers. Contents and materials published by users. Las Condiciones Generales regulan el uso del sitio web de ELESAPIENS LEARNING & FUN, S.L., con C.I.F. After registering, you will have to select the plan and period to which you wish to subscribe. The learners become more engaged in. ELESAPIENS, no ser responsable de los retrasos o fallos que se produjeran en el acceso y/o funcionamiento de los servicios y/o contenidos del sitio web, debido a un caso de Fuerza Mayor. the individual goals and needs of all learners; and. Promoting good behavior respect for others, It is evident that learners with good behavior motivate teachers to even work extra hard to ensure good, performance are achieved by the students .On the other hand bad behavior and disrespect among, learners discourages the interest and performance of the teachers .Therefore as a teacher it is important, good behavior and respect among themselves and other teachers also, to create a peaceful learning environment .as a teacher I would ensure good relations between the, Access to our library of course-specific study resources, Up to 40 questions to ask our expert tutors, Unlimited access to our textbook solutions and explanations. 3.4 Explain ways in which teaching and learning plans can be adapted to meet the individual needs of learners. More information. To do that, complete the online form, which will always appear on the store webpage, and follow the instructions provided. 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However, some teachers tend to fail to prepare for the lessons they are supposed to take and this . 4.4 - Explain how assessment arrangements can be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners Reasonable adjustment may be made to an assessment on the grounds of disability, cultural/religious issues, work patterns or learning issues where language or technical competence may be a barrier to someone`s learning. Make notes so that you can remember and make constructive use of the information. I divide my students in small groups and . Si ELESAPIENS va a utilizar sus datos personales de una manera distinta a lo establecido en la Poltica de Privacidad vigente al momento de facilitarnos sus datos, har todo esfuerzo posible para contactar con usted mediante la direccin de correo electrnico que nos haya facilitado. The cookie acceptance option is activated in most navigators by default, but you can set your navigator so that it refuses cookies. 3.3 Explain How Your Own Planning Meets The Individual Needs Of Learners. This will make the teacher to adjust on areas that needs. It may be that people from different departments or team and management levels . Your chosen organization is facing a crisis and so it needs an overall transformation and a presence of strong leadership. A child's individual support plan should include targets following the SMART approach and be reviewed regarding following the approach Asses, plan do and review. ELESAPIENS informs website users that this privacy policy contains all the aspects relating to the processing of personal data that ELESAPIENS undergoes in its capacity as responsible person for its website. Tier 2: Standard Intervention. Explain how your own planning meets the individual needs of learners. How could you maintain an organization's integrity and credibility, Imagine you joined an organization where work health and safety had been poorly managed. por las dos caras -o de un documento equivalente- al correo Todos los precios publicados en nuestra pgina web son con impuestos indirectos incluidos. As a trainer, relating to real life circumstances and situations is one of the simplest means of making learning more accessible to both the learners and trainers. The prices and offers that appear on the website are solely and exclusively valid for online subscriptions undertaken through and they may not reflect those currently available in other stores. Adapting education in a way that bests ensures every learner achievers the highest possible standard. meet the needs of individual learners Inclusive, e.g. answers to questions being obtained inappropriately by learners, which leads to cheating. This context provides a more perceptive framework for learners' skills and enhances additional learning (Petty . Some terms that you will often hear when discussing support for diverse learners are Differentiated Instruction, Inclusive Pedagogy, and Universal Design for Learning. RECOPILACIN Y USO DE INFORMACIN DEL REGISTRO WEB. For this purpose, users will be provided, prior to the entry of their personal data into this website, with information on the processing without prejudice to the users ability to access the Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection Policy. After accepting the payment, you will be taken back to, where we will confirm your subscription. 3.5 Identify opportunities for learners to provide feedback to inform inclusive . ELESAPIENS S.L queda exenta de cualquier tipo de responsabilidad por daos y perjuicios de toda naturaleza en los siguientes casos: El usuario conoce que los contenidos y servicios ofrecidos a travs del sitio -incluyendo textos, grficos, imgenes, animaciones, creaciones musicales, vdeos, sonidos, dibujos, fotografas, todos los comentarios, exposiciones y cdigo informtico de la misma, sin que esta enumeracin tenga carcter limitativo- se encuentran protegidos por las leyes de propiedad intelectual e industrial. El usuario del sitio responder personalmente de los daos y perjuicios de cualquier naturaleza causados a ELESAPIENSdirecta o indirectamente, por el incumplimiento de cualquiera de las obligaciones derivadas de estas condiciones generales u otras normas por las que se rija la utilizacin del sitio. Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training Unit 2: Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training3.3- Explain how own planning meets the individu. Methodological strategies can help prevent some of these effects. These are: 1. inclusive learning provides individual needs of the learners; therefore allowing the trainer to develop . La suscripcin a un Plan de Suscripcin Gratuito, supone expresamente el conocimiento y aceptacin de las condiciones de acceso a los contenidos de dicho Plan por el usuario. Modificar las condiciones de acceso al sitio, tcnicas o no, de forma unilateral y sin preaviso a los usuarios, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en las condiciones particulares que regulen el uso de un determinado servicio y/o contenido destinado a los usuarios del sitio web. 2.3 Explain how own planning meets the individual needs of learners Learner needs, e.g. Also, individual learners can assess their learning plans. social, emotional and . Visiting users are aware that the services and contents of this site are accessed and used under their sole exclusive responsibility. Develop a positive attitude toward diversity. Los datos personales recogidos sern objeto de tratamiento automatizado e incorporados a los correspondientes ficheros responsabilidad de ELESAPIENS. You will teach, and your learners will learn. A tales efectos, el interesado deber enviar a ELESAPIENS la comunicacin escrita indicando la peticin o derecho que ejercita junto con una copia de su D.N.I. Next, teachers should make the students feel safe when they enters the classroom. Reproducir total o parcialmente el presente sitio web en otro sitio web distinto; no podr realizar enmarcados al presente sitio o los sitios web accesibles a travs del mismo que oculten o modifiquen con carcter delimitativo, pero no limitativo- contenidos, espacios publicitarios y marcas de ELESAPIENS o de terceros, con independencia o no de que supongan actos de competencia desleal o de confusi. ELESAPIENS se reserva el derecho unilateral de denegar el acceso a este sitio web a aquellos usuarios que incumplan las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso. How didFriedrich, Project description An objective of this project is to test your capabilities of applying learned concepts from Business Strategy course onto a real-world example. Payment through PayPal: This method allows you to pay through your PayPal account, in a quick and secure manner, without sharing your financial information with ELESAPIENS. Invoices will be issued in the name of the natural person or company that appeared on the invoice address given when formalizing the subscription. By taking the time to plan, teachers can think through the activities and assessments they will use to meet the learning objectives for their students. B-86432101 y domicilio social en c/ c/ Orense 20, 2-10, 28020, Madrid. No part of this website may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, copied, communicated publicly or converted, totally or partially, by means of any manual, electronic or mechanical system or method (including photocopying, recording or any information recovery and storage system) across any medium or vehicle known at the present time or that might be invented in the future without the consent of ELESAPIENS. For example when carrying out the individual tutorials I found it difficult to keep track of where each learner is in their work at any given time. To modify the terms of access to this site, whether or not technical, unilaterally and without prior notice to users, without prejudice to the requirements of the specific terms governing the use of a particular service and/or content intended for website users. Here we look at five key areas that can be utilized by teachers to achieve this. ELESAPIENS pone a disposicin del usuario todos los medios tcnicos necesarios para identificar y corregir errores en la introduccin de sus datos en los diferentes formularios que aparecern en la pantalla durante el proceso de contratacin. Use the services and contents available solely for personal purposes. Los datos personales que nos aporta sern objeto de tratamiento por ELESAPIENS con los siguientes fines: Al registrarse, abrir una cuenta en la web de venta online de ELESAPIENS y en el caso de que en una prxima ocasin desee adquirir algn artculo, ya dispondremos de sus datos. To subscribe to a Premium Subscription Plan of ELESAPIENS LEARNING & FUN, S.L., you will need to go to and register as a user. Hacer un uso correcto y lcito del sitio, de conformidad con la legislacin vigente, la moral, las buenas costumbres y el orden pblico. Tend to fail to prepare for the management of groups and assignments by teacher... 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