elder high school sports archives

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The Elder High School baseball team completed its season late Sunday night as the Division I state runner-up. 1. HOME 7-0 AWAY 3-1 NEUTRAL 0-2. St.. Thus, Elder teaches its students to taste success through selfless service to others, tireless devotion to academic excellence, and an unflinching desire to succeed all tempered by Christs teachings. File 5 - Army Papers. I was referring to this web site. Shocked that Sharp did not backup his work. Our curriculum aligned with the A.C.T. Seger was injured while pitching in the semifinal, but he returned in the final to start in center field against Barberton before taking over on the mound during a 12-inning marathon won, 11-7, by the Panthers. Boys Lacrosse. From music and art to electronic media, student-run clubs and more, there are abundant ways for o. Elders progress over the years has been made by possible by the continued support of our generous alumni and friends. Elder is proud to offer a wide range of curricular offerings which challenge and nurture the interests of all students. Qualified 6th, Finished 1st! Subscribe to our Free Email Newsletter. Swimming_And_Diving - EHSports.com - Cincinnati Elder High School Athletics Swimming And Diving Schedules Previous Years Load more schedules. It holds roughly 10,000 people, and it's where a high school plays football. Fall Sports Boys Cross Country Girls Cross Country Fall Cheerleading Football Boys Golf Girls Golf Boys Soccer Girls Soccer Girls Tennis Girls Volleyball. Batting, Pitching, and Fielding Statistics for Players from Elder HS (Cincinnati, OH) . An Elder student is taught to think globally but act locally. After the 100th class of Elder students graduated May 17 at Xavier . It may not display this or other websites correctly. JavaScript is disabled. High school sports teams from Box Elder in Utah. Do you mean you are being a troll and a smarta##. Looking back: A history of the Cincinnati Enquirer Glory Days series, Glory Days: Kelsey family drive led to state championships at Elder, Roger Bacon, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Troy (01/14/2023), 2022 Varsity Football vs. Lakota West (11/11/2022), Elder Boosters Super Split-the-Pot 2021 Terms and Conditions, September 8, 1973: First Ever Elder Soccer Match, Elder Athletics says "THANK YOU!" Elder is a place for young men from all communities to grow, not only intellectually, but also physically, spiritually, culturally and socially. Elder went 66-7 overall during the three-year championship run, losing to just one team more than once Newport Catholic, now Newport Central Catholic. Photos by Robert K. Scott / Additional information about Robert's work (or inquiries about purchasing his photos) can be found at rscott.smugmug.com. Or write about sports? See top plays & highlights of the best high school sports. File 1 - Personal Information and Memorabilia. Additionally, The Pride magazine will print the names of the recently deceased in each issue. Your comments and suggestions are welcome! Joe Schoenfeld ELDER HIGH SCHOOL volume10 no2 3900 Vincent Avenue 2 Alumni Awards President Bernie Wagner '72 Vice President Cincinnati, OH 45205-1699 Phone 921-3744 Fred Brandewiede '56 Fax 921-8123 5 Questions Secretary www.elderhs.org for Dave Allen Doug Rolfes '82 Principal Tom Otten '64 Director of Development Toby Heile Alumni Director Joe Acito '63 2009. SCORES: Super 25 High School Football ScoreStream's Top Plays of Week 14 Saturday marked the completion of the first phase of the Panther Fitness Center. Tiettmeyer drove in TomPfliegel with a sacrifice fly in the third and Joe Martini scored the decisive run in the fifth on a Marx single. The Panthers have earned a strong athletic tradition and take great pride in their accomplishments. Elders success derives, in large part, from the ability of its teachers to transmit to the students a strong work ethic firmly rooted in the Gospel values. I wouldnt change anything and wouldnt want to be at any other school. Through this webpage, names will be updated regularly of all grads who have passed away over the last twelve months. Quick access to the latest news and stats for your favorite teams. The Panthers have earned a strong athletic tradition and take great pride in their accomplishments. Elder High Schoolis a Catholic all-male, college-preparatoryhigh school in the Price Hill neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio. I graduated in 1999 so I looked in my four year books and were able to find the seasons of 1995, 1996, and 1997. Archives Tags. of Ohio Concussion Rules Elder Student Athlete Brochure Mercy Health Sports Medicine, Video Broadcasts Broadcast Sponsors Elder News Network (ENN), PodcastYouTube Channel Panther Video Vault Game Photo Gallery EHS Mobile Sports for iOS EHS Mobile Sports for Android. I have never heard anyone talk badly about the Pit after a very well-played game. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Written by Cache Valley Daily. Elder provides numerous extracurricular and enrichment opportunities that enable our students to explore their interests, cultivate their talents, and develop the whole person. Our athletic programs promote ideals that carry over from the classroom to the sports field and into the everyday life of our scholar athletes: teamwork, determination, and self-discipline. When I was a sophomore I would be in the cheering sections during football games. More:Looking back: A history of the Cincinnati Enquirer Glory Days series, We knew baseball, third baseman Bob Steiny Steinbeck said. I used to go to that web site all the time to get valuable information. Victor Caliguri shot a 74 as did freshman Cayse Morgan. Everyone I have talked to about football games just say the cheering section is unbelievable. Elder Panthers Retweeted. The Elder High School Athletic Department wants to say a big "Thank You!" Elder Basketball defeated Oak Hills 56-24 on Tuesday night. Bruce Goins drove in two runs, Dick Vogel drove in another and Tom Weber scored on a wild pitch for Elder, setting up a sloppy championship game against Fremont Ross that was marred by a combined 20 errors, leading to 19 of the combined 21 runs being unearned. Ever since I have been here at Elder High School I have always been bragging about going to this wonderful school. of Ohio Concussion Rules Elder Student Athlete Brochure Mercy Health Sports Medicine, Video Broadcasts Broadcast Sponsors Elder News Network (ENN), PodcastYouTube Channel Panther Video Vault Game Photo Gallery EHS Mobile Sports for iOS EHS Mobile Sports for Android. Steinbeck believes Dieringer, who lives in South Carolina, is not giving himself enough credit. Mike Schutte 77, Jake Langdon 83, and Elliot Nichols 84 to pace the Panthers. of Ohio Concussion Rules Elder Student Athlete Brochure Mercy Health Sports Medicine, Video Broadcasts Broadcast Sponsors Elder News Network (ENN), PodcastYouTube Channel Panther Video Vault Game Photo Gallery EHS Mobile Sports for iOS EHS Mobile Sports for Android, Elder Boosters Super Split-the-Pot 2021 Terms and Conditions, Mitch Godar '14 Named AAC Diver of the Week. Introducing the Panther Video Vault! 2023 January 2022 . Our web site gives you the opportunity to learn more about giving to Elder and even contribute online. volumes : 27-32 cm. Elders success derives, in large part, from the ability of its teachers to transmit to the students a strong work ethic firmly rooted in the Gospel values. "all the way" on many of the pages, but it's a crap shoot. EHS Mobile Sports. Boys Basketball. Latest Updates. Elder High School would like to make the names of all deceased graduates available to the entire Elder community. Elder is the greatest High School that I know of. Elder High School (2022-23 Profile) - Cincinnati, OH Home > Ohio > Hamilton County Elder High School 3900 Vincent Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45205 Tel: (513) 921-3744 As a school community we endeavor to prepare students to be lifelong seekers of both knowledge and skills, and to be followers of Jesus Christ in word and deed. About eighteen of the twenty-one stadiums with a seating capacity of over 13,000 were built before 1980. Click to expand. Elder's leading scorer on the night was senior Sam Whitmer who had 16 points. We won the game with three squeeze bunts, Steinbeck said. 1959 Elder High School Yearbook 1958 Elder High School Yearbook 1957 Elder High School Yearbook 1956 Elder High School Yearbook 1955 Elder High School Yearbook 1954 Elder High School Yearbook 1953 Elder High School Yearbook 1951 Elder High School Yearbook 1950 Elder High School Yearbook 1945 Elder High School Yearbook Visit the Elder High School Spirit Wear Shop on Prep Sportswear today! Moeller ranks second among local programs with eight titles, followed by Reading with. Class 5A Region 5 Box Elder Boys Basketball. Elders success derives, in large part, from the ability of its teachers to transmit to the students a strong work ethic firmly rooted in the Gospel values. We knew how to play the game, and we knew how to win. We look first to our Elder family, then to the surrounding community, and finally to the world that is home to us all. You don't have to be enrolled in Journalism to get "published.". Box Elder 2018 offensive and defensive stats BRIGHAM CITY Box Elder head coach Robbie Gunter is entering his 10th season at the helm of the Bees football program and his tenure has been best characterized by consistency. We had good pitching, but our guys were down-to-earth. The high school has been in existence for nearly 100 years, and is a diocesan high school within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Class of 1965 Jack Mulligan Class of 1968 Christopher Morano Class of 1971 Mike Moehring Latest Alumni Listings Twitter says first time this has happened since 1989! Scott Seger and Ed Tepe teamed up to limit Bryan to three hits and shortstop Jerry Marx described by more than one observer as the areas best-fielding shortstop since Western Hillss Don Zimmer and a better hitter at that stage drove in Tommy Weber from first base with the tie-breaking run in the 10th. The online student news site of Elder High School, Your email address will not be published. You cant find it at any other High School, said senior Kenny Wengert. The boys defeated Hamilton but fell just short to Edgewood. We look first to our Elder family, then to the surrounding community, and finally to the world that is home to us all. LOSS. The East Price Hill school is celebrating its 100-year anniversary with the theme "Fostering greatness since 1922.". Boys Soccer. Some of the pages are there, but the links only go 1 or 2 levels deep. Just off highway 128 Rivers Edge indoor sports complex is the home of the Rocky Boiman Football Academy. Mr. Kevin Espelage Athletic Director 513-921-3412 Mr. Philip Bengel Asst. This page contains a listing of those classes which gather on a regular basis. ur students to develop as leaders, writers, musicians, athletes, and artistsone must merely be ready to challenge himself in order to unlock an entire world of extracurricular wonder. He would say, I dont know a whole lot about baseball, Steinbeck, 76, recalled while sitting at a table in his Delhi home. He would say, I just brought the balls and bats and let them play. We went out and played our own game. Keep up with the latest by browsing live, upcoming and past games. The Panthers (11-1, 1-0 Greater Catholic League South . More:Glory Days: Kelsey family drive led to state championships at Elder, Roger Bacon. CINCINNATI -- Shots fired after a soccer game at Elder High School's field raised fears and security for school events while an Elder official nursed a . Nobody thought they were bigger than anybody else. Not surprisingly, it was close again, but No. The Panthers gave up two leads before scoring three runs in the seventh inning to survive for the win. The spirit of Elder High School is unlike any other school that Ive seen. From music and art to electronic media, student-run clubs and more, there are abundant ways for o. Elders progress over the years has been made by possible by the continued support of our generous alumni and friends. Box 1. 22-23 V. Football. to our incredible sponsors! Elder High School fans take great pride in the schools rich baseball tradition, which includes at least one state championship in each of seven consecutive decades, the 1940s through the 2000s. Your email address will not be published. Our web site gives you the opportunity to learn more about giving to Elder and even contribute online. The information is not only on the web site but stored on an external hard drive. EHS Mobile provides Android owners an interface that gives them immediate mobile access to essential information from EHSports.com, the official athletic web site of Elder High School athletics. ur students to develop as leaders, writers, musicians, athletes, and artistsone must merely be ready to challenge himself in order to unlock an entire world of extracurricular wonder. Lancermania this is accurate. College Readiness Standards is comprised of required courses in various levels (Advanced Placement, Honors, Advanced College Prep, College Prep and General) and electives that allow students to customize their schedule to their individual interests and learning styles. On September 8 1973, Elder's first ever soccer game was played. The Panthers edged Massillon, 2-1, in one semifinal with Steinbeck scoring both runs to support another Metz complete-game win. Shocked that Sharp did not backup his work. Athletic Director 513-921-3744 ext 2204 Baseball Basketball Bowling Cross Country Football Golf Hockey Lacrosse Soccer Strength & Fitness Swim & Dive Tennis Track & Field Volleyball Wrestling Inquire Athletics Directory Visit EHSports.com Contact Us Directions & Maps Careers Elder is proud to offer a wide range of curricular offerings which challenge and nurture the interests of all students. 7. My original intent to try to go to the web site was to find out who Elder lost to in the league in 1995 when La Salle was co-champs with Elder and both finished 3-1 in the league, four games because for three years in the mid 90s the GCLS played a team from the GCLN that counted in the GCLS standings. The links go further than that, i.e. The Brigham City History Project is an initiative of the Brigham City Museum of Art & History to make local history more accessible . If our actions are not a result of a compassionate heart, we are but a noisy gong or a clanging symbol. Chill out. Winter Sports Compassion is at the heart of all authentic ministry. Do you mean Elder's rich athletics history is gone? JavaScript is disabled. Thus, Elder teaches its students to taste success through selfless service to others, tireless devotion to academic excellence, and an unflinching desire to succeed all tempered by Christs teachings. Their gifts enable us to continue to challenge, educate, and enlighten our students, and help us fulfill our mission of forming young men for others in the years to come. Our curriculum aligned with the A.C.T. Whether it be monthly or quarterly meals or just getting together for drinks and camaraderie, the Elder Spirit remains alive and well within the alumni community. Cincinnatis First Catholic Diocesan High School. I do not know who you are and I took your response the wrong way. All rights reserved | Email: [emailprotected]. The scores were: Edgewood 38, Harrison 36, Hamilton 20. They needed 10 innings to edge Bryan, 2-1. Glory Days is a regular feature of Enquirer Media celebrating key moments, personalities and teams in Cincinnatis rich prep sports history. If someone cared enough, they might be able to salvage most of the site, but it would be laborious. He learns, in word and deed, to reflect Christ, whose spirit gives us the desire to minister. He had to keep 20 guys heads on straight, and we were 16-18 years old, Steinbeck points out. He learns, in word and deed, to reflect Christ, whose spirit gives us the desire to minister. There are currently no Elder notable alumni listed. Check out our elder high school selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Elder is an Ohio Division I school offering a competitive program in every sport. Head coach: Robbie Gunter enters his seventh season as Box Elder's head coach. I dont know why.. Fast forward 10 weeks and incredibly, the same two teams from opposite ends of the 5A geography spectrum met again on Provo's field in the 5A second round on Friday. Our athletic programs promote ideals that carry over from the classroom to the sports field and into the everyday life of our scholar athletes: teamwork, determination, and self-discipline. The young haters in the Elder student section represented nothing of what the USA is supposed to stand for. College Readiness Standards is comprised of required courses in various levels (Advanced Placement, Honors, Advanced College Prep, College Prep and General) and electives that allow students to customize their schedule to their individual interests and learning styles. Elder High School. File 4 - Army - Jim Elder's Bible. For some reason they did not put the 1998 season in my senior year yearbook. Could that be hacked also. The Panthers fell behind, 5-0, and needed four runs in the top of the seventh a rally aided by two of Barbertons 12 errors to push the game to extra innings. Elder Basketball wins in OT over St. Xavier Sat, Jan 14 Elder Basketball defeated GCL St. Xavier Friday night at the Elder Memorial Fieldhouse 52-50 in overtime. Elder High School Address 3900 Vincent Avenue Price Hill Cincinnati Ohio 45205 United States You are using an out of date browser. They reached the 1958 state semifinals with a 7-6 win over Dayton Chaminade in the Class AA regional championship game and advanced to the finals with a 4-3 win over Euclid. Featured Departments Men's T-Shirts Men's Sweatshirts Hats Premium Women's T-Shirts Women's Sweatshirts The game was against Roger Bacon in The Pit. 22 views. The 1940's The 1950's The 1960's The 1970's The 1980's The 1990's The 2000's The 2010's I'm sure Doc would be a very helpful participant in getting an eager person started on recreating the site. EHS Mobile provides Android owners an interface that gives them immediate mobile access to essential information from EHSports.com, the official athletic web site of Elder High School athletics. Cincinnatis First Catholic Diocesan High School. Elder Sports archives page was a great place for old info. View Archive; Send Us Feedback. He also told me, Listening to the cheering section while we are all down on the field just gives me goose bumps. Up to date Box Elder Boys Basketball schedule with recent scores. Everyone at Elder is a family and nothing will change, ever. Send your story ideas to mlaughman@enquirer.com. We are a comprehensive, college-prep Catholic high school that offers a place for all students to express their individuality and make their high school experience unique. The Panthers, who played their home games at Oskamp Field, got past neighborhood-rival Western Hills with a 6-3 win in the district championship game to earn a berth in the regional tournament, where they overwhelmed two Dayton teams at Crosley Field to reach the state semifinals. They were coached by Ray Dieringer, who doubled as the Panthers basketball coach and admitted that baseball was, at best, his second sport. Us the desire to minister before 1980 a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your before! 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elder high school sports archives