Comprehensive in its coverage of early Kentucky, these books include a unique collection of court, marriage, military, and probate records. There are 1,241names listed. This part is rather small. Excerpted from the important Filson Club History Quarterly, this work has transcripts of the earliest Jefferson County, Kentucky records known to exist--wills, deeds, surveys, administrations, inventories, and poll lists. Later a branch of the Wilderness Road from Hazel Patch to Stanford, Harrodsburg, and on to Louisville became a well used migration path. The following is a copy of an original letter of instructions to Col. On the 15th they crossed the Kentucky, below where Frankfort now stands, and where Robert McAfee had two surveys made. There will be a volume that includes AZ. Victorian Vault Boone's letter, Henderson's journal, Calk's diary, McAfee's autobiography all mention the way in which the early settlers began to swarm out of the country in April, 1775. . Wilson (96). Trent, Thomas Tribble, Robert Tyler, Abraham Vanmetre, Michael Valleto, Joseph Warford, James Welch, Abram Whitaker, Aquilla Whitaker, Jacob Wickersham, Ed. This year found them permanently located on their claims on the Salt River, about six miles from Harrodstown, with their families. The report of his gun was heard by his companions, who, at once forgetting their fatigue, ran to the spot, and, scarcely waiting to cook the meal thus provided, they devoured it with ravenous appetites and slaked their thirst at a brook they discovered nearby. Contents: Kentucky records : early wills and marriages copied from court house records by regents, historians and the state historian, old bible records and tombstone inscriptions, records from Barren, Bath, Bourbon, Clark, Daviess, Fayette, Harrison . In Lincoln County, at and near Logans Station, probably in 1779. This is an alphabetical listing of those buried at St. Charles, including birth and death dates, and other information. Ranner, Benjamin Rice, Reed Robbins, Thomas Settle, William Smiley, Jacob Speck, John Stapleton, James Stewart, James Stewart, Daniel Stull, Miner Sturgis, Peter Sturgis, James Sullivan, William Swan, Joseph Swearingen, Samuel Swearingen, Van Swearingen, Robert Thorn, John Tomton, Bev. Last names beginning with U, V, W and Y are included there were no last names beginning with X or Z. These records are a unique body of information on early Jefferson County and its people--ordinary people for the most part--seen here in court records, swearing and . Born in Ladysmith, Caroline County, Virginia, died before 1832. Michael Dillingham was indicted by the first Grand Jury for profane swearing, and afterward fined five shillings by the court for the offense. Birth, death, marriage records, 1774-1786 Family History Library. It was a small world with most of the early settlers on the Cumberland coming from a relatively small part of this world-southwestern Virginia and North Carolina. There are 513 names listed. Pioneer Life in Early Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Lexington, Louisville and St. Louis . You can use the search feature on your Kindle to find a particular name. Judge Roy Bean (1825-1903) Infamous "hanging judge" of Langtry, Texas. The second westward push was over the Appalachian Mountains. Kentucky AHGP free site for sharing of data including the stations and early settlements of Kentucky Welcome . This my second set of will book indexes, this time for Clark County, Kentucky. Judge Roy Bean (1825-1903) It is always interesting to research in a new county, since there are always new names to discover. Included are 856 names on the list. Nevertheless being little troble I have done it. So, too, with cooking. Historical Marker #1700 in Letcher County notes where one of the region's first pioneers, Archelous Craft, initially settled. Lincoln County was home to some of the state's most influential early settlers and leaders. All Rights ReservedPrivacy Policy |Terms of Use, Baltimore, Chicago, and St. Louis, 1870 Census Index, North Carolina and South Carolina, 1870 Census Index, Virginia and West Virginia, 1870 Census Index, Margaret Christine Otis Baker: A Colonial Woman with an Incredible Story, Carter Braxton: The Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Josiah Bartlett: The Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Everything You Need to Know About the 1890 US Federal Census, The Real Truth Behind Coats of Arms and Family Crests, Curtis King: Unsung Heroes of the Civil War, Kentucky Court and Other Records, Volume I by Mrs. William B. Ardery, Kentucky Court and Other Records, Volume II by Mrs. William Breckenridge Ardery, Kentucky Marriages, 1797-1865 by G. Glenn Clift, Kentucky Obituaries, 1787-1854 by G. Glenn Clift, Kentucky Soldiers of the War of 1812 Kentucky Adjutant-Generals Office, Abstract of Early Kentucky Wills and Inventories by Junie Estelle Stewart King, Kentucky in the War of 1812 by Anderson Chenault Quisenberry, Revolutionary Soldiers in Kentucky: Also a Roster of the Virginia Navy by Anderson Chenault Quisenberry, A Complete Index to the Names of Persons, Places and Subjects Mentioned in Littells Laws of Kentucky by W. T. Smith. Born in Logan County, died at The Battle of the Alamo, San Antonio, Texas. From original papers and vouchers of Col. John Bowman, the first military commander and military governor of the County now State of Kentucky, we have noted or transcribed the following documents and lists. These cultures were the Paleo-Indian culture, the Archaic culture, the Woodland culture, the Adena culture, the Mississippian culture and the Fort Ancient culture. Indian agent, trapper, scout. Other volumes will follow shortly. Contents1 What is the oldest settlement in Kentucky?2 Why did the pioneers first settle Kentucky?3 Who was the first person [] This my second set of will book indexes, this time for Clark County, Kentucky. Included is the description of the entry (Will, Inventory, List of Sales, Administrative Settlement, Allot Dower, Executors Settlement, Division of Estate, Guardian Settlement, Appraisement, List of Slaves, Agreement, etc. This is an all-inclusive, alphabetical listing of those listed in the Washington County Will Book Index, Books A-W for the years 1792-1902. It tells of the great discoveries of the new land, and also the troubles that came with finding their way through the wilderness. Joseph Swearingen, Samuel Sweatingen and Van Swearingen listed under soldiers under the command of Captain William Herrods. Pioneer Soldiers in Kentucky 1778-1781. Col. Knox, & which is to be stationed in Powells Valley. Law Making for Early Kentucky Settlers. Not found in my usual counties were the surnames Bledsoe, Brinegar, Chorn, Clinkenbeard, Conkwright, Crosthwait, Fishback and Gaitskill. Included is the description of the entry (Will, Inventory, List of Sales, Administrative Settlement, Allot Dower, Executors Settlement, Division of Estate, Guardian Settlement, Appraisement, List of Slaves, Agreement, etc. Ive just recently put the list together. 25 Dunmore s war. To Maj. April 1, 1780, at Stations on and near Dicks River, in now Garrard, Lincoln and Boyle counties. There are 1,007 names listed. After the Revolutionary War, settlers began pouring in. Thank you for purchasing this book. Completing preparations for their journey, they set out May 10, 1773, from their homes in Botetourt County, Virginia, and proceeded on horseback to the Kanawha River, which they struck about four miles above the mouth of the Elk. It includes birthplaces of notable figures, battlefields, trails and illustrations of one and two family stations. The Swift family were Colonial Settlers in America, and are now found in all parts of these United States. Early settlers received land warrants for their participation in the French and Indian War. Across from the Kentucky Kindred Genealogy title at the top of my blog is a search box. Format: Books/Monographs/Book on Compact Disc . ), the will book and the page number. Tagged as: Botetourt County Kentucky, genealogy research, George McAfee, George McGee, James McAfee, James McCoun, Kentucky Kindred Genealogy, Kentucky Pioneers, McAfee Station, Mercer County Kentucky, Robert McAfee, Samuel Adams, Samuel McAfee, William McAfee, Phyllis, once again, I am so thankful for your sharing of your lifes work with we, Kentucky Cousins. Included is an alphabetical listing of those buried at Pleasant Grove, including birth and death dates, and sometimes additional information. I would love to share info.. send me an email, Easy to find information on our family lineage. Thank you for purchasing my book! They proceeded to survey lands for their party, of four hundred acres each, lying on the Salt River, from the mouth of Hammonds Creek to about two miles above, where Harrodsburg now stands. There are 9,474 names listed. 1774: Harrodsburg was established as the first permanent settlement in Kentucky. Uploaded by Thanks, again Charlotte, Thank you for posting this, I am a descendent of both Jane and Margaret Mc Michael. Part of the company wintered here, while the remainder returned to Virginia to make preparations for removing their families to Kentucky in the spring, calculating that the corn and cattle (having left forty head of the latter here to winter on the luxuriant cane) would by that time be sufficient to support them. ), the will book and the page number. Last names beginning with A through Y are included there were no last names beginning with Q, X or Z. Many of my Linton, Moran and Edwards family members are buried here. Thank you for purchasing my book! Who knew we would share this common piece of history? ), the will book and the page number. . Last names beginning with A - G are included. James Patton and Ensign Edward Bulger, writing from Boonesboro, in April or May, 1780, advise Col. John Bowman as follows: Lieut. ), the will book and the page number. Includes name of groom, name of bride and date. Prominent among these heirlooms is the commission of John Bowman as Colonel of the Militia in the County of Kentucky, with the bold signature appended of the great orator of the American Revolution, Patrick Henry, Jr., Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The paper on which the commission is written is coarse in texture and yellow with age, and is addressed to John Bowman, Esquire. After reciting his appointment it thus concludes: You are therefore, carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of Colonel of the Militia, by doing and performing all Manner of Things thereunto belonging; and you are to pay a ready Obedience to all Orders and Instructions where from Time to Time you may receive from the Convention, Privy Council, or any of your Superiour Officers, agreeable to the Rules & Regulations of the Convention, or General Assembly and do require all Officers and Soldiers under your command to be obedient and to aid you in the Execution of this Commission according to the Intent & Purpose thereof. ), the will book and the page number. ), the will book and the page number. Remember that Kentucky was first Fincastle County, Virginia, then became Kentucky County June 17, 1776. Not everyone buried in the cemetery is on the list - many of those buried after 1950 have not been included, although many are. Early settlers who were determined to find land and opportunities pushed westward in two major ways: by water routes and by land routes. The Great Road rose on the Potomac River at Waskin's Ferry, went southwest down the Shenandoah Valley between the Blue Ridge and Allegheny Mountains to Winchester, Virginia, through Strasburg, Staunton, Lexington and over Natural Bridge and across the headwaters of the James River to Salem, through Wytheville, Abingdon and to Bristol on the Virginia-Tennessee Border. The first Colonial people to enter the future state of Kentucky were hunters who competed with the Native Americans for the game to be found in the state. The County of Kentucky Names of Its Soldiers. Most of my research, for my family, has been in Washington, Marion, Garrard and Nelson counties. Edna Milliken (1921-2005) made history as the first female president of the Kentucky Historical Society in November 1963. Map of the Fort Blount Road, With Narrative and With Photos. The Records Of Jefferson County, Kentucky, From The Filson Club History Quarterly . You can use the search feature on your Kindle to find a particular name. In the . This my second set of will book indexes, this time for Clark County, Kentucky. The Indians were prowling about in every direction, killing and scalping every white that was found outside of the station, stealing horses, and attacking the weaker stations and settlements. This is an all-inclusive, alphabetical listing of those listed in the Washington County Will Book Index, Books A-W for the years 1792-1902. Descendents of those early pioneers have reason to be proud of their heritage. Many of my Linton, Moran and Edwards family members are buried here. I feel fortunate to have photographed the cemetery while most were still readable some were not. If you visit my website you will find a link to purchase. This project is dear to me because my fifth great-grandfather, Captain John Linton, helped build this church. Protected by Harrods station, which had just been planted by Capt. She and William Ingles were married ca. If you have any questions you can reach me at the email at, or visit my website at www.kentuckykindredgenealogy . It is always interesting to research in a new county, since there are always new names to discover. Settlers were now able to travel to the area legally in accordance to Royal law. Maysville (formerly Limestone), Kentucky, was a major entry point. This is an all-inclusive, alphabetical listing of those listed in the Washington County Will Book Index, Books A-W for the years 1792-1902. History of Kentucky. In that way I suppose it is partially a genealogy cookbook! John Haywood And The Preservation of Early Tennessee History." Tennessee Historical Quarterly, vol. ), the will book and the page number. . Not a professional by any means, many of my recipes have been handed down from my mother, my grandmothers, and my aunt. The County was created in 1792 from Bourbon and Fayette Counties and is named for Revolutionary War hero General George Rogers Clark. Comprehensive in its coverage of early Kentucky, these books include a unique collection of court, marriage, military, and probate records. This has been a three year project, beginning in the fall of 2012 and ending June 14, 2014. In all, approximately 225,000 individuals are referenced within the pages from twelve books. Included is the description of the entry (Will, Inventory, List of Sales, Administrative Settlement, Allot Dower, Executors Settlement, Division of Estate, Guardian Settlement, Appraisement, List of Slaves, Agreement, etc. One large book containing all volumes will follow shortly. and west north west from it; first cabin built in 1774, and more settlers came in 1775. This has been a five year project, taking photos beginning in the fall of 2008 and through 2012. Many of my Linton, Moran and Edwards family members are buried here. From the junction of these two roads at Columbus, Georgia, the Federal Road took a westerly direction to Montgomery, Alabama then southwest to the Tombigbee River and west again to Natchez, Mississippi. Thank you for purchasing this book. Not everyone buried in the cemetery is on the list - many of those buried after 1950 have not been included, although many are. Not found in my usual counties were the surnames Bledsoe, Brinegar, Chorn, Clinkenbeard, Conkwright, Crosthwait, Fishback and Gaitskill. . And so there are many recipes made for and with my children. The list includes name, birth and death dates, and sometimes additional information. A list of 9,533 Washington County marriages from the year of the county inception in 1792 to 1892, sorted by the grooms' last names. They ascended the river to a noted spring, which they called Cave Spring, and from there crossed the country to the Salt River, to which they gave the name of Crooked Creek. Hunted and explored Kentucky (1767-74.) Daniel Boone . Callaway and Boone brought their families here in September of 1775, and the latter's wife and daughter were the first white females that . There are 1,599 names listed. Early History of Bowling Green. Not a living animal was to be seen, nor a bird to cheer them with its wild notes. You can use the search feature on your Kindle to find a particular name. Judge Roy Bean ( 1825-1903 ) Infamous & quot ; Tennessee Historical Quarterly, vol its coverage of Kentucky. Family members are buried here Index, books A-W for the years 1792-1902 phyrit. Blog is a search box i suppose it is partially a Genealogy cookbook 2012 and ending June 14 2014. To Maj. April 1, 1780, at stations on and near Dicks River about. My second set of will book and the page number History. & quot hanging. Captain John Linton, Moran and Edwards family members are buried here my family, has been five... My children dear to me because my fifth great-grandfather, Captain John Linton, Moran Edwards... 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